Proverbs 22.3 teaches that critical thinking lets me change course. Thus, I respond to anticipated problems because of foresight. In fact, critical thinkers are foresighted.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase in the post: Critical Thinkers Are Foresighted

Think Critically

Critical thinking involves objective analysis and reasoned judgment. In other words, critical thinking means careful thinking toward a goal.

Proverbs for Professionals tagline image as used in the post: Critical Thinkers Are Foresighted

Thus, I identify the truth while avoiding cognitive biases.

For example, I avoid paying attention to only the “facts” that agree with what I believe.

But, what happens when I don’t think critically?

Unfortunately, according to Proverbs 22.3, I ignore obvious warnings. As a result, there are serious consequences.

By the way, Proverbs 22.3 is repeated in Proverbs 27.12.

Conversely, good judgment marks critical thinkers who are foresighted.

Signal vs. Noise

Moreover, the analytical version of this proverb says:

First, noise becomes signal because the leader lacks discernment.

Second, signal becomes the story I tell myself because the leader isn’t thinking critically.

Third, story becomes decision because the leader is pressured. Thus he/she grabs whatever solution sounds reasonable.

Fourth, these decisions inform my thinking because decision makers aren’t precept-driven. Instead, they’re driven by the immediate, thus lack foresight.

Therefore, instead of mental models such as sow-reap informing my decisions, I reverse the process!

Actually, mental models should be at the top of the decision process. As such, they shouldn’t be the outcome of flawed reasoning!

Critical Thinkers Are Foresighted

In Proverbs 22.3 a leader sows foresight to avoid problems.

Or, the leader sows shallow-mindedness to reap serious problems.

The solution, from Proverbs 1.3-5, is character change. More specifically, the development of discernment.

As it turns out, a discerning character is the root of just behavior.

Moreover, discernment changes how the leader thinks.

And, changed thinking changes decisions. As expected, actions follows decisions.

Here’s the precept: Who I am drives what I do!

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Clearly, I’m not a victim of circumstances. Instead, I’m the product of deliberate choices!

See the following diagram for this progression.

Proverbs for Professionals Wisdom Process diagram as used in the post: Critical Thinkers Are Foresighted

Leadership Insight

Recently, Wells Fargo settled claims that had dragged on for years.

As such, observers placed blame on a grow-at-all-costs corporate culture. As a result, branch employees fraudulently sold services to inflate commissions.

In fact, it’s true that such a culture existed, according to former employees. Also, it’s true that employees were dismissed because of inappropriate behavior.

But, claims of “following orders” or “I didn’t do it” weren’t enough to save jobs. What’s worse, the negative impact on corporate reputation will drag on for years.

Critical Thinking Produces Foresight

So, the Wells Fargo case is a great example of lacking foresight.

How so? Because the illegal behavior was reported internally. However, it was tolerated because of an over-desire to report profit growth.

Apparently, few asked the question “What happens once these practices become public?”

Thus, critical thinking is critical. But, it doesn’t overcome problems with the leader’s character.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Ultimately, problems with culture aren’t because of policy failure. Instead, a flawed culture is rooted in the poor character of the leaders.

For Wells Fargo, the outcome was destruction of trust. Worse yet, they’re in an industry where customer trust is the cornerstone of a relationship.

Apply This Today!

Impactful leaders replace deadly shallow-mindedness with critical thinking. Why? Because critical thinkers are foresighted. Thus, they see where the shallow thinks is taking them!

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