Proverbs 1.4 says that to change how I act I must change how I think. As such, clear thinking produces sound decisions, leading to wise behavior. So, think right to decide right.

Applying the precepts helps me think on my feet and think deeply. Proverbs 1.4 paraphrase

The Precept Explained

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the mountains as used in the post: Think Right to Decide Right
Precepts – As old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

Think before you act!

Well, that’s easy to say!

However, it’s hard to live out in the heat of daily activities.

That said, professional growth requires me to change. In fact, I choose to change! Thus, I grow my character.

A Growth Process

Proverbs 1.2-9 outlines a growth process.

Actually, that process has three elements.

Accordingly, it combines clear thinking, sound decisions, and wise behavior. The process is grounded in who I am.

Think – Decide – Act

Interestingly, my changed behavior is rooted in the development of my character.

Therefore, I can get better at thinking clearly, deciding rationally, and behaving wisely.

But to improve, I must undergo character change. And, the measure for that growth is the precepts.

To repeat, according to Proverbs 1.2-4:

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

A precept-driven life behaves wisely by forming sound decisions that are grounded in clear thinking.

Think Right

Specifically, Proverbs 1.4 teaches that clear thinking has two components.

First, subtility – thinking fast, thus in the moment by using insight and emotion.

Second, discretion – using factual knowledge to think slowly, deeply, and thoughtfully.

Actually, I get better at thinking on my feet as I gain experience. So, that’s the experiential aspect of critical thinking.

Practically speaking, thinking fast combats shallow-mindedness.

Similarly, thinking deeply combats hard-headedness.

Leadership Insights

Taken together, experiential insight and deliberate thoughtfulness improve my thinking.

In fact, they can balance the emotional and the rational aspects of my personal and professional life.

Remember, clear thinking produces sound decisions that lead to wise behavior. In short, these are three critical traits for any leader!

Apply This Today!

Precept-based living frees me from the trap of shallow-mindedness.

Additionally, it reduces hard-headedness and lack of focus.

Ultimately, it changes my behavior for the better.

So, think right to decide right because clear thinking yields sound decisions.

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author as used in the post: Think Right to Decide Right

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