Impactful Leaders Are Grounded in Faith

Reverence is the starting point for all wisdom, which in turn, triggers impactful behavior. Thus, it’s critical to recognize that, above all else, impactful leaders are grounded in faith. First Principles What’s essential? What’s most basic? What are the absolutes that we must do? What’s the bedrock for our thinking and acting? Well, those essential […]

Impactful Leaders Are Confident

When leaders expresses hope and confidence through words and actions they inspire others. Therefore, impactful leaders are confident. Confident Influence One way to raise a career trajectory is by being a high producer. For instance, high producing sales reps move on to become sales managers and district managers in direct sales organizations. Therefore, high production […]

Being Precept-driven Brings Me Influence

A precept-driven life is beneficial. For example, benefits include more capacity. Also, success. Most specifically, being precept-driven brings me influence. Wisdom is a Female! Guess what? In Proverbs, wisdom is a female! For example, “she” and “her” are used in Proverbs 3.15. Likewise, in Proverbs 3.16. Similarly, see: 1). Proverbs 1.20 – wisdom calls publicly. […]