According to Matthew 13.18-19, narrow-mindedness is deadly! So, don’t be hard-headed and inflexible because everyone suffers as a result.

Pay attention! The precepts don’t take root in a stubborn character. Matthew 13.18-19 paraphrase

The Precept Explained

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the mountains as used in the post: Narrow-mindedness is deadly!
Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

I limit what I can contribute as a professional when I will not listen to good advice.

Likewise, I can be so stubborn that I cannot be reasoned with.

As a result, I’m viewed by others as inflexible and uncooperative.

In turn, such narrow-mindedness is deadly. And, as such, I’m the hard soil of Matthew 13.

Why is that a problem? Well, because nothing grows there!

Soil Preparation

The Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13 uses the sow-reap mental model.

In so doing, it compares character development to different types of soils.

In fact, the precepts are the seeds. Additionally, my character is the soil.

Practically, hard-packed soil doesn’t accept seed. Instead, it needs to be broken up.

Likewise, my arrogant, bitter, hard-headed character doesn’t accept sound advice.

Unfortunately, the result of being a narrow-minded, know-it-all is that I don’t gain any new experiential insights.

Therefore, I’m not more discerning. And, I have nothing to share with others.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

One of the first insights I must develop is telling the difference between persistence and hard-headedness!

Foolish Overconfidence

Unsurprisingly, the Proverbs take aim at hard-headedness and narrow-mindedness.

In fact, Proverbs uses a Hebrew word for fool that indicates foolish overconfidence. Some examples follow:

Fact is, foolish overconfidence is defined at unfounded confidence in situations the wise avoid, Proverbs 14.16.

Then, fools argue continually about stuff they know nothing about, Proverbs 14.7.

And, they are habitual spenders and wasters, Proverbs 21.20.

Also, they learn nothing from life experiences, Proverbs 18.2. Instead, fools make the same mistakes over and over, Proverbs 26.11!

Finally, they lack discernment, Proverbs 8.5.

Unfortunately, this list is only some of the verses in Proverbs about hard-headedness!

Therefore, don’t be like this!

Apply This Today!

Fundamentally, personal growth requires that I be more self-aware. Also, more socially aware.

As a result, I break through my self-absorbed, narrow-mindedness.

Afterward, I begin to look outside myself.

So, why bother? Because narrow-mindedness is deadly!

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author as used in the post: Narrow-mindedness is Deadly!

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