It’s essential for a leader to get right what’s essential. Because, otherwise the leader isn’t putting first things first.
Identifying What’s Essential
What’s essential to me?
Well, whatever it is, “essential” drives my life focus because it controls what I do.
So, it’s essential to get right what’s essential!
Now, what if I realize that what’s essential to me is inappropriate, thus not contributing to my growth?
Then, I must change myself at my core.
As such, change comes at the level of my character, not simply in how I think or in my habits.
Your life will enjoy grace by identifying the essentials. Proverbs 3.4 paraphrase
Valuing What’s Essential
One more question.
How do I become aware of how profitable or essential something is?
Unsurprisingly, Proverbs 13.20 observes that we become who we hang out with. That is, wise companions produce wise character in me. Whereas, foolish companions produce a destructive lifestyle.
Wise companions yield a wise character. But, foolish companions cause a foolish character. So, that’s not much of a choice is it?
Now, I choose who I allow to influence me. Granted, the more discerning I am the better I become at choosing influencers wisely.
In turn, I must take a hard look at what I’m allowing in as life influences.
Leadership Insight
First, impactful leaders wisely choose what’s essential. As a result, they’re selecting their life outcomes.
Second, impactful leaders are intentional about wise influence. Now, why is that true? Because of knowing they become what’s done repeatedly.
Third, impactful leaders recognize how critical good character is because it helps in evaluating their focus.
Get Right What’s Essential
Fourth, impactful leaders acknowledge that reverence is the beginning of the character formation process.
Moreover, the outcome of change is assurance about life purpose and distinctive competencies.
Thus, impactful leaders clearly understand where they add the greatest value.
Fifth, clarity about what’s essential combines with deep knowledge of value added. Next, those two drive an impactful leader toward a balanced life.
How so? That life balances knowing what’s right with doing it in a way that’s merciful. And, also kind.
So, be that leader!
Apply This Today!
Impactful leaders practice purposeful reflection.
In turn, purposeful reflection clarifies what’s essential for an impactful leader.
Additionally, impactful leaders are discerning about who and what is allowed to influence their consideration of what’s essential.
That said, how are you doing on being discerning and reflective about who influences you?
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