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Leadership Lessons: Solomon

Self-awareness, when paired with decisiveness, makes possible living with purpose, on purpose for an impactful leader.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for 1 Kings 5.4-5 as used in the post: Living With Purpose, On Purpose

Acting on Opportunities

Do I see opportunities?

Also, do I respond to open doors in my career?

Well, impactful leaders seize opportunities that match their leadership purpose.

For Solomon, two projects came at the 10% mark of his career. And, they lasted past the 40% mark of his time in office.

As such, the projects were keystone accomplishments for him.

Acting With Purpose, On Purpose

Now, First Kings 5 describes gathering resources for the projects. However, the driver was when Solomon recognized and acted on the opportunity.

Thus, he was living with purpose, on purpose. How so? Because he understood his leadership calling, according to First Kings 5.4-5.

Leadership Insight

Obviously, unrecognized opportunities are lost opportunities. Instead, impactful leaders pair recognition with decisiveness.

Moreover, they know how an opportunity fits their skills. And, their experiences. Also, their leadership purpose.

So then, what’s next? Well, there’s locating the resources to bring the project to life.

For Solomon, he secured materials for building the temple and a palace.

Leadership Purpose

First, impactful leaders know their leadership purpose.

Second, they see how specific projects fit that purpose.

As a result, self-awareness gives the discernment to say “Yes” at the right time.

Additionally, self-awareness leads to “No” responses to ill-timed opportunities. Or, to projects that don’t fit who the leader is at his/her core.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Most importantly, for a person of faith, self-awareness is paired with divine guidance to give discernment when making career choices.

As a result, the leader clearly understands what’s most critical because he/she is living with purpose, on purpose.

Personally, I found that investing in my professional and spiritual growth was most critical to identifying my leadership purpose.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 4.18 as used in the post: Living With Purpose, On Purpose.

Apply This Today!

Projects occur at a season in life. Thus, while significant, they don’t define a leader’s entire career.

Remember, unrecognized opportunities don’t contribute to career growth.

Conversely, identifying and investing in resources is a great example of the sow-reap principle. The reaping is in terms of professional growth.

Fortunately, impactful leaders have the discernment to invest in high-return projects because they practice principle-centered leadership. So, be that leader!

How about you? Where are you investing in order to prepare for a future opportunity?

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Proverbs for Professionals value proposition as used in the post: Living With Purpose, On Purpose