Ecclesiastes 10.3 teaches that good character makes wise choices. Moreover, good character is a deliberate choice I make!

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Ecclesiastes 10.3 as used in the post: Good Character Makes Wise Choices

The Precept Explained

What do you tend to notice more in others, good choices or bad choices?

Unfortunately, we tend to remember bad choices by leaders. In fact, we’re often less interested in “Good to Great” than we are in stories of failure.

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the mountains as used in the post: Good Character Makes Wise Choices
Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

Now, root cause of these failures is often a poor character, that leads to poor judgment, according to Ecclesiastes 10.3.

Conversely, a good character makes wise choices.

Poor Character

Well, poor character isn’t something leaders will admit to!

Instead, we prefer to write off poor choices as the result of lacking data. Or, incompetent managers (but not me!). And, uncontrollable or unanticipated circumstances.

However, Ecclesiastes 10.3 isn’t so generous. Instead, it’s really blunt.

In fact, it says a failed character produces poor choices. Worse yet, those poor choices are obvious to others.

Moreover, the converse – a good character, makes wise choices. That’s supported by the prior verse, Ecclesiastes 10.2.

As such, a wise character gets things right.

Whereas, the foolishly overconfident ignore a precept-driven life, Proverbs 17.16. Thus, they don’t learn from experiences. Consequently, they don’t get things right!

The poor character of the foolishly overconfident causes them to ignore the precepts. Proverbs 17.16 paraphrase

Good Character

In Proverbs, good character is noted by the phrase “wise hearted.” Thus, to be wise hearted is to have a good or a wise character.

See the following diagram for the elements of a wise character, as described in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.

Proverbs for Professionals diagram of the elements of a Wise Character as used in the post: Good Character Makes Wise Choices

Leadership Insight

Interesting, I think, is the Hebrew word that’s translated “fool” twice in Ecclesiastes 10.3. It’s also translated this way in Ecclesiastes 2.19, 7.17, and 10.14, as well as in other passages.

But, the same word also means to behave wisely! For instance, see First Samuel 18.5. There, we see how David chose to behave wisely. As a result, he was successful.

Thus, we see two drastically different interpretations of the same word. Each case is preceded by conscious choice. And, each is reflective of a leader’s character.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image.

A leader can respond to pressure by behaving wisely, or foolishly. Either option is a deliberate choice.

Here in Ecclesiastes 10.3 character fails, thus is lacking.

Similarly, in Proverbs, this word for fails indicates lacking character at least 11 times. For examples, see Proverbs 6.32, 9.4, and 15.21. It’s translated lacking, void of, and destitute of character.

Thus, a leader behaves foolishly when he or she lacks discretion in relationships. Or, doesn’t think critically. And, is unmotivated. Or, speaks carelessly. Or, doesn’t learn from experiences.

Now, don’t be that leader!

Instead, recognize that good character:

1). Makes wise choices.

2). Builds up many others.

Apply This Today

Impactful leaders exhibit good character by making wise choices. So, be that leader!

Impactful leaders build good character by being discrete in words and relationships. Also, by thinking critically. And, by reflecting on and learning from life experiences.

Thus, good character is an intentional choice and a deliberate practice I choose to make as a leader.

Wise choices and impactful leadership are outcomes of a good character! Be that leader!

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author as used in the post: Good Character Makes Wise Choices

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