It’s hard to have a sustainable lifestyle if there’s never time to decompress and reflect. Actually, this pattern for a sustainable lifestyle was established by God Himself during the creation.

Key Passage: Exodus 20.7-11

What lifestyle pattern do you follow? Who do you copy regarding your work ethic and rest patterns?

Well, in Exodus 20.7-11 we’re shown by God Himself how to have a sustainable lifestyle, which thinks long-term.

Now, that’s a pattern we should copy!

Some Insights

God gave instruction about the holiness of His name in Exodus 20.7. Similarly, in Psalm 145.1 David praises God’s name.

After God’s name, the commandments mention God’s day, Exodus 20.8-11. The parallel passage is Deuteronomy 5.12-15.

A Day of Rest

Thus, the pattern for a day of rest was established by God, “rested the seventh day…”

Moreover, the seventh day is holy because God “…hallowed it”, Exodus 20.11.

In fact, God finished His work of creation in six days, Genesis 2.1. Then, He ended that work and rested on Day Seven, Genesis 2.2. In addition, He set apart Day Seven, Genesis 2.3.

Have a Sustainable Lifestyle

So, we see the pattern of creation, or work, on six days, then a day of rest.

God Himself rested on the seventh day. But, not to worship since He’s the object of our worship.

Time for personal renewal is a life pattern established by God Himself! Exodus 20.11 paraphrase

Who’s It For?

Additionally, the sabbath is a day of rest for the entire household, Exodus 20.10. As such, this sustainable pattern, which avoids burnout, is for everyone.

Remember, Christ taught that a day for rest was for our benefit, Matthew 12.1-8 and Mark 2.27 “sabbath was made for man.”

Likewise, the “mercy not sacrifice” statement in Matthew 12.7 condemns going through the motions with a legalistic and narrow view of what’s allowable on the day of rest.

Apply These Precepts

God made a day of rest for me, in order to reduce my chances of becoming overworked.

Thus, the concept of a sabbath speaks to the importance of self care through reflection.

“The Lord make his face shine upon you…”  Numbers 6.22-27

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author

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