Proverbs 12.24 contrasts diligence and laziness. In fact, those who are diligent find themselves in positions of leadership. Therefore, impactful leaders are diligent!

Diligence is your key into leadership. Conversely, laziness is your ticket to staying where you are! Proverbs 12.24 paraphrase

Why Diligence?

Why is diligence so critical for a leader?

Proverbs for Professionals title slide as used in the post: Impactful Leaders Are Diligent!
Impactful leaders are diligent!

And, why contrast diligence and laziness?

Additionally, what’s the payoff for being more diligent?

As expected, this verse in Proverbs speaks of the importance of diligence.

Diligence Defined

The Hebrew word charuts is translated “diligence” in Proverbs 12.24. It means sharp, decisive, and focused.

Together, those ideas tell us diligence involves being focused and decisive.

For decisive, see Joel 3.14. There, you’ll find the phrase “valley of decision.” It’s where people are forced to decide.

For sharp, see Isaiah 41.15. It’s a picture of life success because of focus and decisiveness.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

In Proverbs, focus, decisiveness, and diligence are closely related concepts.

Diligence in Proverbs

Unsurprisingly, the idea of diligence appears several times in Proverbs.

First, is Proverbs 10.4, where diligence brings material wealth. In contrast, this verse mentions slackness,meaning deceitfulness.

Proverbs 10.4 paraphrase from the Proverbs for Professionals blog post: Impactful Leaders Are Diligent!

Second, is Proverbs 12.27. There, the diligent carefully use resources. In contrast, just like Proverbs 12.24, laziness is the problem.

Third, is Proverbs 13.4. Here, we find that diligence is enriching. Thus, I enjoy my heart’s desire because of diligence.

Again, the contrast is between diligence and laziness. As such, both persons have desire, but the diligent finds success.

Fourth is Proverbs 21.5. Here, the contrast is between careful plans and hastily-considered actions. As expected, the end-points are either plenty or want.

Diligence is Golden

Interestingly, this Hebrew word that’s translated “diligent” is also translated “gold.”

Hence, diligence in golden!

Consequently, what I consider to be golden defines my values.

Actually, three times in Proverbs this word is translated as “gold.” See Proverb 8.10, 8.19, and 16.16.

For starters, in Proverbs 8.10 wisdom and knowledge exceed the value of gold. Likewise, in Proverbs 8.19. Similarly, in Proverbs 16.16, wisdom and insight are more valuable than gold or silver.

Therefore, values play a role in character change. In fact, right values partner with a right attitude. See the diagram below for details.

Proverbs for Professionals Character Transformation process from Proverbs 2.1-11, as used in the post: Impactful Leaders Are Diligent!

Clearly, diligence is important. However, I must also apply wisdom – factual knowledge and insight, to benefit from diligence.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Impactful leaders are diligent because they’ve learned that diligence is golden!

Diligence and Decisiveness

Now, Joel 3.14 and Isaiah 41.15 help us define being diligent. So, diligence isn’t just golden.

Why? Because diligence also means sharpness, focus, and decisiveness. For example, I should focus on protecting my character because I become what I focus on.

Certainly, it’s one thing to work hard. However, it’s something very different to work hard and be focused.

Moreover, it’s another thing to be decisive because that moves things forward through focused and diligent efforts.

So, what’s this sound like? Well, it sounds like “work hard but work smart.”

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Impactful leaders get it right. However, they’re not consumed with getting it perfect!

Leadership Insight

But, what are the extremes here for a leader? And, what must we avoid?

First, at one extreme, we have quick thinking and shooting from the hip.

As such, decide immediately and move forward because there’s no time to review options!

Now, what’s the outcome? Often, poor investments and knee-jerk strategies. Ultimately, managing in this fashion produces no long-term gain.

Second, at the other extreme, are endless reviews that don’t produce a decision! So, how frustrating is that!

As a result, by the time we move, the market has gone on to something else! And, we’re always in catch-up mode!

Analyze AND Decide

Practically, how do we balance these extremes?

Unfortunately, there’s no simple answer.

However, I believe that leaders can help.

How? By inviting open, civil, and honest discussion. As it turns out, you avoid overthinking and under-analysis!

Diagram from the Radical Candor website, as used in the Proverbs for Professionals post: Impactful Leaders Are Diligent!

For example, there’s Mark Crowley’s interview with Kim Scott about radical candor.

Radical candor is caring personally while challenging directly.

In so doing, it’s possible to be direct but not be disrespectful.

Additionally, listen to this interview with Stephen Schwartzman. In part, he describes how Blackstone evaluates risk in projects.

One takeaway: don’t take challenges personally. Why? Because, if you’re too lax about identifying risks, you lose a lot of money!

Apply This Today!

The precepts Solomon identified 3,000 years ago are showing up in leadership blogs today!

Diligence and decisiveness aren’t enemies because both are needed! Fact is, leaders should balance both.

Therefore, be diligent because diligence is golden! In addition, impactful leaders are diligent!

Proverbs for Professionals closing block with a photo of the author

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