Proverbs 1.8-9 notes the importance of listening to a mentor. As such, if I’m teachable, I’ll work with a mentor because mentors guide personal growth!

A growth mindset, as shown by a willingness to be corrected, rewards me with grace. Proverbs 1.8-9 paraphrase

The Precept Explained

Proverbs for Professionals tagline as used in the post: Mentors Guide Personal Growth

I want to grow.

In fact, I believe I can grow.

As such, a growth mindset says: I have grown!

And, I will grow!

Personally, I’ve experienced growth in my personal and professional life.

Moreover, that growth came because I learned from trusted mentors. Thus, I identified good sources for instruction.

A Passion

My personal and professional growth is a deep desire.

However, that growth requires purposeful character change.

Interestingly, Proverbs 1.2-9 outlines a process for growth. Those steps include clear thinking and sound decisions. Hence, wise behavior is an outcome.

Most specifically, think-decide-act is grounded in who I am. That is, in a just character.

Actually, my changed behavior is rooted in character building. As a result, my capacity to think clearly, decide rationally, and act wisely can improve.

Therefore, I can grow because I choose to grow!

Also, I can grow personally, professionally, and spiritually!

To repeat, I develop regarding think-decide-act through character building. Consequently, that growth is measured by the standards found in the precepts.

Accepting Correction

Unfortunately, character development involves correction.

For instance, four times in Proverbs 1.2-9 we read the same Hebrew word. It means correction or chastening. Also, discipline or rebuke.

Actually, the word is used in Proverbs over 25 times!

As expected, sometimes correction is hard to take. Whereas, unaddressed problems are destructive.

For instance, in Proverbs 15.10 we read:

Correction is really unpleasant when you’re way off base, but the other option is even worse! Proverbs 15.10 paraphrase

Also, as expected, correction comes from the Lord. At times, repeatedly! For example, see Proverbs 3.11-12:

Don’t push back or get tired of correction from the Lord because it shows His love for you! Proverbs 3.11-12 paraphrase

Therefore, being teachable means I accept correction from trusted sources.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

To grow, I must hear, but I also must understand and respond appropriately.

Finding a Mentor

The growth outcomes listed in Proverbs 1.2-6 are premised on reverence, Proverbs 1.7. Also, on a teachable spirit, Proverbs 1.8.

In short, I must find right sources. Then, I must have a right attitude.

More specifically, from Proverbs 1.3, we see growth in terms of wise behavior. Plus, sound decisions. And, fairness to others.

But, also from Proverbs 1.3, I must be willing to soak-up what I’m hearing while I’m being corrected! Hence, “receive instruction …”

Then, we read about critical thinking, Proverbs 1.4. And, discernment, Proverbs 1.5-6.

A wise and discerning person gets wise counsel. Proverbs 1.5 paraphrase

As such, discernment is based on finding wise mentors – “the words of the wise” Proverbs 1.6.

However, I must soak-up the instruction they give me.

In fact, according to Proverbs 1.8 the first wise mentors I encounter in life are my parents! So then, those mentors guide my personal growth.

Similarly, I choose to grow as a leader by finding trusted mentors. In turn, they give me sound content. Most practically, in the form of the precepts.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Through growth, I experience dramatic change in my decision making and in my influence as a leader.

Ultimately, my personal change comes from the growth that transforms my character!

Insight Building

My decision competence is based on thoughtful use of factual knowledge. In other words, what I know.

However, my influence as a leader is based on applying experiential insights. That is, what I can do with what I know.

Now, being teachable helps build new knowledge. Plus, it helps build insight through reflection. In turn, insight raises the impact of applying that knowledge.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 2.6 as used in the post: Mentors Guide Personal Growth

Maximum Impact

Together, experiential insights and mentors help me find a balance. Thus, a balance between being decisive and knowledge-based, as opposed to being discerning and just.

Remember, an impactful leader is factual and analytical. But, also thoughtful. Then, decisive.

In so doing, the leader gets things done. You know, they meet quota! In part, because they use a sound and repeatable decision process.

Unfortunately, competent decision making isn’t enough!

Leadership Insight

An impactful leader exhibits decision competence. In part, because he or she is growth oriented.

In so doing, that growth mindset builds decision-making capacity and competence as part of professional growth.

So then, an impactful leader exhibits a character that’s wise, discerning, and fair. And, above all, reverent.

Apply This Today!

Guess what, personal development isn’t a self-correcting process! Also, it’s not always pleasant! Ugh!

Conversely, I require outside assistance to grow. That is, grace from God and from others. But, the outcome is that I reach my personal and professional potential.

As such, that potential is inherently rewarding.

Mentors help guide personal growth. However, I must find good mentors and I must be teachable.

Likewise, my professional development isn’t solely more decisiveness.

Instead, I must build a wise and discerning character if I’m to be impactful as a leader.

Don’t forget, the precepts are the foundation for growth. Therefore, I choose to know wisdom!

Proverbs for Professionals signature block with a photo of the author

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