We’ve heard how our perception is the reality we live in. But how so? Let’s discuss why perception is reality.

Image looking through a tree as used in the post Perception is Reality

My Worldview

If I’m not careful, how I view the world may become the reality I live in.

Thus, my recurring thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs can impact the way I interact with those around me.

And, that worldview can color, very directly, how I perceive life events.

As such, my perception is my reality!

Therefore, I should be careful about the perceptions I choose hold!

My beliefs, life philosophies, and the precepts I live by, are impactful. But how? Because they deeply impact my life outcomes. So, I must choose those life beliefs carefully!  proverbsforprofessionals.net

The Precept

Now, Proverbs 14.12 is a warning.

How so? Well, we convince ourselves we’re right – that’s our perception.

Sometimes, we convince ourselves we’re right when, actually, we’re dead wrong!

Consequently, the old excuse that it seemed Ok at the time.

Fact is, it wasn’t Ok at all!

However, the verse warns that sometimes we’re mistaken – that’s our reality!

So, what are we to do? One option is to be teachable; to listen to good advice.

By the way, note that Proverbs 14.12 is repeated in Proverbs 16.25.

Being convinced I’m right doesn’t prevent destructive life outcomes! Proverbs 14.12 and 16.25 paraphrase, proverbsforprofessionals.net

Apply This Today!

An Observation: Perception-Reality is a form of giving first, then receiving. What I give out to the world comes back to me – for better or worse!

What I believe – my worldview – directs my behavior. In turn, my behavior impacts my life outcomes.

Finally, a question: What does Perception-Reality mean to you?

In my next post I’ll make the opposing argument, that perception isn’t always reality!

Self-deception is a high-priced, luxury item! proverbsforprofessionals.net