Unfortunately, when we say “it seemed Ok at the time” it most often means it wasn’t Ok – at all! Even more unfortunately, sometimes life experiences can be a tough teacher.

From Proverbs 14.12 we learn that we often convince ourselves that what we are doing is OK. But, in the end there are serious problems. proverbsforprofessionals.net

A childhood memory

Each summer, during our vacation, my immediate family traveled to another state to visit uncles, aunts, and cousins.

Here’s a brief childhood memory of mine from one of those trips.

One afternoon, the family decided to go on a shopping trip to a local town. Thus, my cousin and I were called inside to get baths and change clothes.

While everyone else got ready we were told to sit on the porch. And stay clean!

You’re probably sensing that the “stay clean” part is not the way things turned out!

Verse paraphrase for Proverbs 12.15

Now, the facts!

As it turns out, the exact sequence of events that followed is unclear to me.

1). I remember there was a large (to me) ditch next to the house.

2). And, it had been raining for several days so the water was running heavily in the ditch.

3). Moreover, it seemed like a good idea to my cousin and me to build a dam in the ditch.

At the time, these were all were very rational ideas for two kids in elementary school!

As things worked out, I do remember mom coming out on the porch to call us because it was time to leave.

However, my cousin and I were right there. In the ditch.

Actually, the water was about chest deep! Apparently, the two of us had to bathe and change clothes again before the family could leave.

And, that’s all I’ve got to say about that!

Apply This Today!

As children, or adults, we can convince ourselves that our behavior is justified. But, the fact is there are often serious flaws in our reasoning!

So, as children these stories turn out to be fun memories. However, as adults use of poor judgment, as proved by easily anticipated outcomes, is another story!

Remember, discernment plus critical thinking together fuel our good judgment.