Deep Thoughtfulness Offsets Entitlement

A thoughtful approach to relationships replaces entitlement with gratitude. Therefore, deep thoughtfulness offsets entitlement. The Value of Experience Experience is a great teacher. But only if I actually learn something! Unfortunately, some repeat the same mistakes over and over. Why? Because there’s no reflection, thus no accumulated insight to guide later actions. In Proverbs 5.1, […]

Build Character to Build Discretion

Proverbs 7.1-7 speaks of being guided by precepts to build a just character. Then, I enjoy increased discretion. Thus, build character to build discretion. Absorb the precepts! Make them your focus! As such, treat wisdom and insight like family. They’ll keep you out of trouble because they fix simple-mindedness and poor character. Proverbs 7.1-7 paraphrase […]