Why should I serve others? Actually, in his closing comments to the Galatians, Paul addresses this question, thus explaining why we should serve others.

Proverbs for Professionals image of a small country church as used in the post: We Should Serve Each Other

Key Passage: Galatians 5.13–15 and Galatians 6.9-10

Why should I serve others? What’s in it for me? What’s the fundamental precept at work here?

As it turned out, in his closing comments to the Galatians, Paul addressed a servant attitude. In so doing, he explained why we should serve others.

Freedom to Serve Others

Believers have significant freedom in how they live and act, Galatians 5.13. However, that freedom isn’t a license to do as we please.

Instead, we should minister to others. Huh? Why? Because that’s how I show obedience to the law, Galatians 5.14.

For example, in Leviticus 19.18, paraphrased, we read: “Don’t hold a grudge, instead love your neighbor, because I am the Lord.” So, basically, it’s because God says so!

Serve Others in Practice

Additionally, in one of the “you’ve heard, but I say” teachings we’re taught to seek reconciliation, Matthew 5.38-39.

Likewise, in Galatians 5.15, Paul says a servant attitude toward others contrasts with biting back.

Moreover, Paul continues in Galatians 6.9-10, by encouraging us to do good to everyone.

I’ve become a servant to everyone so that my ministry might flourish. 1 Corinthians 9.19 paraphrase

But, what about that jerk that just cut me off in traffic! Wait, did I really say that?

Some Insights

In Galatians 6.9 Paul uses the picture of sowing and reaping regarding service.

In fact, he had just made the point that we reap what we sow, Galatians 6.7. Thus, when we sow the spiritual, we reap the eternal, Galatians 6.8.

Divine Multiplication

That said, what do we reap for our service to others?

Basically, we receive back blessings in the form of service from others. Also, we receive divine multiplication in our lives.

So then, the fundamental precept is from Luke 6.38: “Give and receive back … abundantly …”

Likewise, this scatter-increase precept is rooted in Proverbs 11.24-25: “I’m blessed when I bless others …”

Also, see 2 Corinthians 9.6-7 (paraphrase): “…sow a lot…reap a lot…on purpose”! Remember, sowing is an important component of personal growth.

Therefore, we should serve others because of the blessings we receive back as a result of that service.

Apply These Precepts

A servant heart is the ultimate in sowing and reaping because there’s no monetary gain expected.

Instead, it’s all about giving of myself to others and receiving back, in turn, their care.

“The Lord make His face shine upon you…”  Numbers 6.22-27

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author

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