Reverence is the starting point for all wisdom, which in turn, triggers impactful behavior. Thus, it’s critical to recognize that, above all else, impactful leaders are grounded in faith.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 9.10 from the post: Impactful Leaders Are Grounded in Faith

First Principles

What’s essential? What’s most basic? What are the absolutes that we must do? What’s the bedrock for our thinking and acting?

Well, those essential few tend to be first principles. As such, they’re stated in the Proverbs as precepts. For instance, in Proverbs 3.34 we learn that humility brings me God’s grace.

In fact, reasoning from first principles means that a leader has a clear grasp of the basics. Additionally, the leader sees below the surface by quickly getting down to what’s essential in a given situation.

For example, cause and effect is one of those basic mental models. Similarly, others would word this principle as stimulus and response. Whereas, sow-reap is equally clear.

An effective leader reasons from first principles in order to establish root cause in a situation. As a result, the leader is able to wisely formulate a way forward.

The First Principle

Depending on your frame of reference, you may argue about what’s the most essential of all first principles.

However, the Proverbs state that reverence is that most fundamental first principle. Certainly, some will not agree. And, certainly some can draw benefit from the precepts in Proverbs without reverence.

But regardless of agreement, Proverbs is very clear that reverence is the first of the first principles.

First, in Proverbs 1.7 we read that reverence is the beginning of factual knowledge.

Second, in Proverbs 9.10 we read that reverence is the starting point for wisdom. Moreover, that verse adds that spiritual sensitivity is the essence for forming practical insights.

Third, Proverbs 20.27 teaches that God searches our inner character. Similarly, a heart for the Lord produces in me discernment, Proverbs 28.5. Also, it produces good judgment, Proverbs 29.26.

A heart for the Lord produces discernment and good judgment. Proverbs 28.5 paraphrase

As it turns out, Solomon’s life exhibited reverence, 1 Kings 3.3-4. And, the Proverbs were one of the outputs of that reverent life, 1 Kings 4.30-33.

The Payoff

So, what’s the outcome if I choose to live a precept-driven life? In other words, what’s in it for me? Well, keep reading!

In Proverbs 9.11 we read that a precept-driven life is marked by both high productivity “days multiplied” and by a long life “years … increased.”

Being precept-driven multiplies effectiveness, plus it adds years to life. Proverbs 9.11 paraphrase

However, “days multiplied,” I believe, is not simply efficiency that leads to high productivity. Instead, it indicates an ability to make better use of your time by doing that which is most critical. Thus, first things first.

Additionally, in Proverbs 22.4 we read that reverence returns a number of benefits, including influence. Thus, leadership impact through influence is a by-product of humility and reverence.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 22.4 as used in the post: Impactful Leaders Are Grounded in Faith

Ultimately, reverence, when paired with a precept-driven life, position me to stand before God, Ecclesiastes 12.13-14.

That’s quite a list of benefits! I accomplish more plus I have a longer time period in which to enjoy that abundant productivity. In addition, my influence increases. For a leader, these are great outcomes!

A Warning

These verses in Proverbs strongly suggest the value returned to a leader for closely integrating their professional and their spiritual life.

In turn, when I’m spiritually sensitive, I position myself for God’s leadership; see Proverbs 20.24 and Proverbs 21.1.

Now, the warning. That divine guidance steers me away from destructive overconfidence, Proverbs 27.1.

Don’t brag about what’s going to happen because we don’t control all circumstances! Proverbs 27.1 paraphrase

Thus, impactful leaders are grounded in faith. But leaders who are persons of faith are subject to the same global challenges as others.

Leadership Insight

If you’re like me, you want to grow the impact of your leadership. In other words, you want to influence your direct reports and others to accomplish your organization’s goals.

Additionally, these teachings from Proverbs assume a prerequisite to growing leadership impact. Obviously, that’s reverence or a life of faith.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

The foundation for a precept-driven life is reverence. Thus, if I don’t understand that first principle I’m at a disadvantage in regard to absorbing the other principles.

What’s the proof? Well, Solomon’s life certainly reflected that divine multiplication identified in Proverbs 9.11. More importantly, I believe, is the testimony of those who have applied these precepts into their own leadership practice.

What am I not saying? For starters, I’m not saying that to be precept-driven implies moral perfection. Or, the self-deception of perfection! Also, it doesn’t imply the leader never makes a decision that has an unexpected outcome.

Why? If I’m careful, thoughtful, and seeking wise counsel shouldn’t the outcomes always be good?

Well, no! Oh, really? Well, why not?

For a whole bunch of reasons, that’s why!

Because, regardless of the level of strategic planning, you cannot possibly control for all outcomes during execution, that’s why!

Remember, as a leader you don’t control every variable, so you must deal with uncertainty.

But, I’m a leader who’s a person of faith. Doesn’t that protect me from bad outcomes? Unfortunately, if you believe that, then you’re reading a different Bible than me!

The bottom line is impactful leaders are grounded in faith. However, impactful leaders are not immune from being human. And, they’re not immune from God simply having other plans for the life of that leader.

Proverbs for Professionals signature block with a photo of the author

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