One easy way to gain net new capacity in life is to let go of something else. What will you release?

Proverbs 18.14 paraphrase as used in the post What Will You Release?

What To Release

Here’s an insight about gaining capacity: there’s great value in letting go of past failures.

Therefore, high on our list of things to release are our own failures.

What else? Well, I suggest things like bitterness. And envy. Also, comparing ourselves with others.

Oh, and don’t forget all those things you don’t control so cannot change about your life!

Truly, forgiveness most deeply impacts the forgiver, not the one who is being forgiven. Be forgiving – mostly to yourself!

What I Get In Exchange

When we let go we free up capacity for new learning. And, for taking on new projects.

As well, for looking outside of ourselves. Then, as a result, we can share our experiential insights with others.

When we release what’s least needed, we gain capacity for grasping more of what’s most valuable in life.

The Precept

Proverbs 14.10 notes that inside our deepest self we can know both bitterness and joy.

Actually, both are a normal part of life.

Moreover, both bitterness and joy are a deliberate choice we get to make.

So, why not release that bitterness in order to make room for joy in life?

An Unpleasant Reminder

Remember,  until you decide to move on there’s no growth, thus no progress.

Instead, there’s only bitterness, resignation, self-pity, and lots of “why me” conversations in your head!

It’s a high-risk strategy to define self-worth by a single life incident or negative outcome. It’s better to give yourself other options – find a path forward.

Apply This Today!

Let it go to grow more! Doesn’t that sound deeply desirable?

Truly, the easiest way to find new capacity is by releasing something that currently is using your time and energy.

However, capacity building demands clarity about our priorities.

We must decide that some things are less important than other things. What will you release?