I need grace. You need grace. But from where? One source is from yourself! Hence, grace to you, from you.

Two small deer in the spring as used in the post Grace to You, From You.

What is This Thing?

We each need grace in life. That is, we need some slack. Thus, some space to make mistakes and recover.

Where does that grace come from? Well, many recognize the grace they receive from God each day. We can also be on the receiving end of grace from family and friends. Or, for that matter, from a stranger who lets us merge into traffic.

We all need grace. However, for a few minutes, let’s focus on giving ourselves some slack.

How To Give Yourself Grace

So, how can I be gracious to myself? How do we make that happen? Ok, here are three suggestions for being the recipient of your own grace.

1). Watch the Self-Talk.

Obviously, one way to give ourselves some slack is by how we talk to ourselves. Actually, we spend a lot of time in our heads. Thus, why not spend that time in a way that’s encouraging, positive, and uplifting?

I’m gracious to myself when I control the tendency to talk down to myself.

Now, where did that habit come from? One source is from a complaining parent or spouse. You know, nothing you do is ever adequate. After a while, you begin to believe it yourself.

Give yourself some slack by reducing the negative self-talk.

Ecclesiastes 10.12 notes that our words can show grace to others. By implication, our words can be gracious to ourselves! Proverbsforprofessionals.net

2). Be Self-Forgiving.

We all make mistakes. That’s part of life. But, what doesn’t have to be part of life is never getting over the mistake. Instead, we replay the situation in our heads – over and over! Ugh!

Fact is, we don’t have to be perfect to be worthwhile, or to have a healthy sense of our own self-worth. The solution? Learn from what happened, then move on. Let it go!

We choose, deliberately, to release the hold past mistakes have on us.

Proverbs 12.14 teaches that what we say – to others and to ourselves – can be very satisfying. Proverbsforprofessionals.net

3). Envision Who I Can Be.

After forgiveness, move on. Envision living a life of purpose. Build clarity about where I want to go in life, and why I want to go there.

As such, I envision a self who is living a purposeful and fulfilled life.

In Proverbs 10.11 we learn that what we say – to others and to ourselves – is “a well of life” or it’s a source of violence. Therefore, choose life! Proverbsforprofessionals.net

Apply This Today!

Grace to you, from you is a healthy way to live. We stop living in the past as we look forward to a purposeful future.

Ask yourself – “Who will I believe about myself?” Believing our critics hasn’t taken us anywhere good, has it? Therefore, change the narrative in our heads to change the outcomes in our lives!