Proverbs for Professionals title slide as used in the post: When It's My Time

Leadership Lessons: Solomon

What should I do while waiting for a career opportunity? When it’s my time, I step forward to lead because I prepared myself during that wait.

The entire nation is watching to see what you will do! First Kings 1.20 paraphrase

The Story

We know nothing of Solomon’s life before he became king.

However, he was his father’s choice to be king, First Kings 1.13. And, Solomon was God’s choice, First Chronicles 22.7-10.

Unfortunately, there was a problem. An older brother had taken over, First Kings 1.5. So, King David ordered Solomon to be anointed king, First Kings 1.32-39.

Now, what was Solomon to do? Well, he allowed the situation to play out.

But, how did Solomon prepare beforehand? We don’t know. However, we do see his actions after he became king.

Leadership Insight

How do I respond when I’m close to a break through, but there’s a delay? Solomon called this “hope deferred” in Proverbs 13.12.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 13.12 as used in the post: When It's My Time

Or, worse yet, the opportunity may be snatched away?

As it turns out, there are several possible responses:

1). I cry “unfair” and get angry.

2). I use political infighting.

3). Or, I give up, convinced I wasn’t good enough.

Certainly, there are other responses.

But, when it’s my time, I don’t walk away.

Instead, like Solomon, an impactful leader keeps his/her head. Hence, Proverbs 13.12.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

For a person of faith, assurance of career guidance is based on a belief in God’s intervention, but in His time and in His way.

When It’s My Time

Now, how does this play out in practice?

Delay: Sometimes there’s a delay because my career trajectory doesn’t move as fast as I want or along the path I envisioned.

Set-backs: Also, there are set-backs. For example, after being anointed king, David was under threat of death for months.

Different Outcome: And, occasionally I find a different end point than what I originally planned.

All that said, when it’s my time I step forward with confidence. Not because I’m fully equipped. But because I’m prepared to learn and to succeed.

As such, these studies of Solomon identify several characteristics of impactful leaders.

Proverbs for Professionals image of Characteristics of an Impactful Leader as used in the post: When It's My Time

Apply This Today!

Remember, what seems likely at a point in time isn’t always the outcome. Thus, don’t get overconfident. Conversely, don’t be fatalistic.

In the meantime, I should be intentional about personal and professional growth so I’m positioned when opportunities arise.

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