From Proverbs 13.19 we learn that goal accomplishment can be spiritually satisfying. Hence, achievement brings spiritual satisfaction when I pursue appropriate goals.

Deep desire, when achieved, brings soul satisfaction. Proverbs 13.19 paraphrase

The Precept Explained

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the mountains as used in the post: Achievement Brings Spiritual Satisfaction
Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

Goal accomplishment satisfies my deepest spiritual self. Thus, the precept as stated in Proverbs 13.19.

Moreover, goal accomplishment is spiritually satisfying when the goal is God-given.

Therefore, achievement brings spiritual satisfaction. Also, it’s life giving and enjoyable. But, I must we willing to put forth effort to reach the goal.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 13.12 as used in the post: Achievement Brings Spiritual Satisfaction

Soul Satisfaction

Actually, the satisfaction discussed here isn’t temporal or prideful.

Instead, it’s heartfelt satisfaction. And, it rests in my deepest inner being.

Thus, we read “sweet to the soul…” For first usage, read Genesis 2.7 “…man became a living soul” because the Hebrew word speaks of our eternal nature.

As such, this same word soul is used to describe the abundance from being decisive in Proverbs 13.4. Likewise, mercy is good for my soul, Proverbs 11.17. Also, generosity, Proverbs 11.25.

Unsurprisingly, right-standing with God satisfies the soul, Proverbs 13.25.

There are 40 uses of this Hebrew word for soul in Proverbs; the prior verses are just a small sample.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Achievement that’s sweet to my soul is marked by mercy and generosity.

Foolish Overconfidence

Whereas, also from Proverbs 13.19, when I’m foolishly overconfident I persist with poor choices.

As such, I refuse to seek divine guidance. Instead, I convince myself that I’m right – no matter what!

In fact, this type of self-deceit is “sweet” at first, according to Proverbs 20.17.

Ultimately, that foolish behavior is spiritually destructive.

Apply this Today!

Achievement and human recognition are nice. But, soul satisfaction brings eternal benefits.

Persistence toward a goal is good. However, that assumes the goal itself is good.

Conversely, evil intent and hardheadedness drive me toward inappropriate goals. Thus, I must carefully consider my motives.

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