It’s important to seek out wise counsel before making major decisions in life. As such, we must ask ourselves Who Do We Listen To? Why? Sometimes advice is bad!

Clouds in the sky across a green field.

In the multitude of counselors purposes are established. Proverbs 15.22

In Proverbs 15.22, Solomon suggests to us the value of getting advice. While we’re creating strategies, and life plans, it’s always good to ask someone who has been there and done that!

Moreover, he uses the phrase “multitude of counselors.” That is, the more people we ask, the more options we have to choose from as we create our plans.

Actually, who we listen to impacts our life outcomes.

Never ask for advice from someone who hasn’t been where you’re going in life!

Identifying Wise Counsel

Ok, so far so good. However, he seems to be making an assumption here.

Which is? Well, he’s assuming that the counselors we’re listening too are wise, unbiased, and honest! How so? Because good advice enables us to expand our Circle of Competence.

Obviously, bad counsel produces poor strategies. Thus, we must be selective about who we seek for advice. And, we must recognize where they’re coming from in regard to their motives. As such, “Who do we listen to?” is an important question!

Getting good advice is especially important when the stakes are high. For example, in Proverbs 20.18 Solomon repeats himself, saying “purposes are established by counsel.” But, he goes on to say we need wise advice before we make war.

In short, don’t flippantly dive into something that has serious, long-term consequences. He repeats this critical precept in Proverbs 24.6, as does Christ in Luke 14.31.

Paraphrase of Jeremiah 29.11 as used in the post Who Do We Listen To?

Apply This Today!

Let’s not miss the obvious here. I must be discerning if I’m to understand the motives of other and be able to tell the difference between good and bad advice.

More importantly, I must also become better at understanding my own motives. Thus, what’s driving me to make these plans?

For a person of faith, the most obvious source of wise counsel is their personal relationship with God. Therefore, who do we listen to – first? Spend time in prayer and Bible reading before seeking the wise counsel of others. That inner light of spiritual guidance will have a dramatic impact on the quality of decisions we make.