In Proverbs 2.7-8 I learn that when I’m right spiritually, the Lord gives me wisdom for sound decisions while He protects me. Therefore, wisdom is the base for sound decisions.

The Lord provides wisdom for sound decisions, and also protection, to those who are right with Him. Proverbs 2.7-8 paraphrase

The Precept Explained

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the mountains as used in the post: Wisdom is the Foundation for Sound Decisions
Precepts – as old as the hills! Proverbs 8.25

The Lord gives wisdom, Proverbs 2.6.

Fact is, wisdom is packaged as factual knowledge and experiential insight!

As such, wisdom comes from the stored content of the precepts, Proverbs 2.7. That is, wisdom content packaged together in one place!

However, my life must be right before Him, Proverbs 2.7-8.

Then, if I’m discerning, I’ll use those precepts to influence how I think and how I decide in my role as a leader.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Sound wisdom is the substance or content of accumulated experiences, set aside for me.

Wisdom Benefits

God is a safe covering – a protection to me, Proverbs 2.7.

He keeps me out of lots of problems as a leader. How? Well, by directing me to think clearly and form sound decisions that are just and fair.

What am I protected from?

Unfortunately, from my own hard-headedness and shallow-mindedness!

So then, how does this protection happen?

1). In part, I receive this protection as a leader when I’m spiritually sensitive. Remember, reverence is the starting point for knowledge, Proverbs 1.7.

2). Also, when I’m willing to take the advice of trusted mentors. Don’t forget, the wise and discerning will hear wise counsel, Proverbs 1.5.

3). And, when I listen to the input of direct reports. Thus, get lots of impartial opinions, Proverbs 11.14.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Sound wisdom is available to the leader who will access it by listening and learning.

Apply This Today!

Although wisdom is the base for sound decisions, there are two underlying assumptions about that decision making.

First, the spiritual. As such, I’m both sensitive to and obedient to God’s direction in my life.

And second, the natural or human. That is, I’m willing to listen to advice from others!

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author as used in the post: Wisdom is the Foundation for Sound Decisions

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