It’s one thing to learn from experience. But, it’s something very different to act in a way that’s wise! So, let’s discuss wise is as wise does.

Selfie of the author

Being Versus Doing

Eventually, we all must realize that:

Being wise isn’t the same thing as behaving wisely!

Fact is, we can accumulate lots of life experiences.

However, we often fail to apply them in a practical way to our daily lives.

But why? Because of a lack of deliberate reflection. Consequently, a lack of practical learning.

What Were They Thinking?

You’ve seen highly-experienced leaders make serious errors.

Now, why did they make those serious mistakes?

Sometimes because they convinced themselves that the rules don’t apply to them.

Or, at other times they got overconfident.

To which you respond “What were they thinking?”

Fact is, making good choices isn’t automatic and isn’t guaranteed!

The Precept

Proverbs 21.11 notes that we can gain insight by learning from the mistakes of others.

That’s true, even if we’re a bit simple minded!

So, start with what you know – get the facts!

It also says that when we respond appropriately (“…is instructed…”) we compound, thus build on, our earlier learning.

Most simply, the wise learn from how they act.

That is, they draw on experiential insights gained from intentional reflection.

Hence, the Learn-Then-Apply precept. Now, there’s a new a concept!

Paraphrase of Proverbs 21.11 as used in the post: Wise Is As Wise Does

Apply This Today!

Good judgment comes when I reflect on, then learn from, life events. Otherwise, I’m stuck is a cycle of poor choices.

We also learn from getting advice. Most advice is experiential. That is, it’s based on how life played out for someone else. As such, some advice is valid under one set of circumstances, but not others. When considering advice, make sure you discern how it’s likely to fit your present life circumstances.

I act appropriately on purpose. That is, appropriate behavior isn’t an accident. It’s purposeful.

Finally, a question: What fundamental life disciplines enable you to reduce the number of “What were they thinking” moments in your career?

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