Leaders can behave wisely by getting the facts. However, they must combine facts with insight if their decisions are to be impactful.

JPG image of a very paraphrase for Proverbs 21.11

Getting the Facts

Behaving wisely is a learned trait. Thus, I can grow that capability.

In fact, according to Proverbs 21.11, the wise learn from behaving wisely. That is, they draw on experiential insight gained from intentional reflection.

As such, I get the facts so I’m not operating off of supposition or factual error. But, this process assumes I’m teachable. Hence, willing to learn.

If so, what am I giving up? Well, from the same verse, I’m encouraged to give up my disdain for being corrected. In turn, I lose my shallow-mindedness. All this, for behaving wisely, coupled with getting the facts.

JPG image of Behaving Wisely I-P-O where facts are inputs, critical thinking is the process, and discernment is one output

Leadership Insight

Granted, getting the facts is of value to a leader.

Unfortunately, moving away from a simple-minded reliance on anything I’m told isn’t likely to produce impactful leadership. Why? Because being a learner by gathering the facts is wise, but it’s not likely to be transformational to my leadership.

Again, why? Because I must bring alongside that factual knowledge traits like discernment and foresight if I’m to be an impactful leader.

Now, certainly it’s good to stop being a know-it-all. Likewise, it’s painful when a leader is is shallow. Thus, he/she is prone to being easily distracted and going off script.

Therefore, be wise, behave wisely, and get the facts. Then, combine those essential elements with difference-making leadership traits.

Like what? Well, like seeing around corners by way of critical thinking. In so doing, the leader grows personally and professionally. Then, that leader is better prepared for challenges that are inevitable.

JPG image of a definition of Behave Yourself Wisely

Apply This Today!

Factual knowledge and sense making are an essential foundation for a leader. But, they’re not the end point that produces impactful leadership.

When a leader learns to behave wisely she/he not only adds personal value, but multiplies that value across the organization.

Today’s Question: Where are you in your leadership journey? Still shooting from the hip. Or, getting the facts, but struggling with sense making. Better yet, using the facts to inform your views of key trends and unforeseen outcomes.