Leadership Essentials

Second Samuel 23 presents some end-of-life observations by David. He identifies two leadership essentials. Thus, I must get these two right before my leadership efforts are blessed. Here’s what God revealed to me about leadership. The leadership essentials are as follows. First, a just character. Second, reverence for God. Second Samuel 23.3 paraphrase Identifying Leadership […]

Think Long-term

Proverbs 19.16 says a precept-driven life thinks long-term. It identifies that which is of ultimate value. Conversely, short-term thinking is destructive. Wherefore, think long-term! A precept-driven life will think long-term about spiritual values, whereas short-term thinking is deadly. Proverbs 19.16 paraphrase The Sequence First, my time perspective drives my thinking. A short-term outlook produces shallow […]

Get the Fundamentals – Get Rewarded!

Proverbs 13.13 is a contrast. In fact, it contrasts hardheadedness and reverencing the precepts. When I get the fundamentals, I get rewarded! Hardheadedness is destructive but reverence for the precepts brings reward. Proverbs 13.13 paraphrase What’s Important? I pay attention to what’s important to me. Conversely, I ignore what’s unimportant. It’s important for me to […]