Great transitions!

New years often begin with “great expectations.” Unfortunately, at times, the year becomes “the worst of times” unless we are intentional about making great transitions! This blog post contains my personal, weekday LinkedIn entries for December 20 through December 27, 2021. Building discernment Who cares? Why is insight important anyway? Well, do you think discernment […]

Well, that’s complete nonsense!

Impactful communications never leave you thinking well, that’s complete nonsense! This post provides three tests for impactful communications. The Essentials Ever read a social media post and think, Huh? That’s complete nonsense! I occasionally see those posts. Often, in the form of a poorly-worded poll. Similarly, year’s ago there was a comedian, Professor Irwin Corey. […]

Ultimate Thought Leadership

Leadership Lessons: Solomon Often, we link thought leadership to deep knowledge in a specific disciple. But, ultimate thought leadership is uniquely spiritual. Early Thought Leadership Today, thought leaders attract followers by consistently producing impactful content. Now, that was also true of Solomon, according to First Kings 4.34. Moreover, those who came to see him were […]

Outlets for Sharing Thought Leadership

Leadership Lessons: Solomon There are multiple outlets for sharing thought leadership. But, thought leadership is mostly about the quality of the ideas. Sharing Thought Leadership Thought leaders effectively share what they know. As such, they use various outlets for sharing thought leadership. For example, speaking to live audiences, podcasts and other live events, or through […]