Proverbs 1.7 says reverence is the foundation for all knowledge. Then, later passages tell us that wisdom isn’t native intelligence!

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Proverbs 1.7 as used in the post: Wisdom Isn't Native Intelligence

The Basics

The Book of Proverbs is a collection of life precepts. Thus, it’s the basics for a successful life.

As such, those precepts are presented as either comparisons or contrasts.

As a group, the precepts make up what we call wisdom.

Now, the first contrast is Proverbs 1.7. First, the positive side. That is, reverence starts me on the path to knowledge.

Then, the negative. However, fools despise wisdom. What’s worse, they’re unteachable and cannot be corrected!

Word Usage

Now, wisdom in the English version of scripture commonly translates the Hebrew word chokmah. In fact, it’s used over 140 times in the Hebrew scripture.

Actually, first usage seems to be Exodus 28.3. There, God tells Moses that He has filled some with the “spirit of wisdom” so that they can make garments for the priests.

Also, those individuals were called wise (chakam) hearted (leb). Thus, they were individuals with a wise character.

Wisdom Isn’t Native Intelligence

Wisdom isn’t native intelligence. Why? Because it’s something I can grow over time.

As well, it’s not about how creative I am.

Instead, wisdom is all about how teachable I am.

Solomon begins the book with the phrase “to know wisdom and instruction”. Hence, the goal is to be teachable in regard to the precepts.

Practically, I can grow wisdom infinitely. Whereas, my intelligence is largely fixed.

More importantly, growth is a choice I make!

Wisdom Components

According to Proverbs 2.6 the two fundamental components of wisdom are knowledge (daath) and experiential insight (tebunah).

In simplest terms, wisdom is defined as what I know and what I can do with what I know!

Therefore, the ancient definition of wisdom is simply factual knowledge added to practical insight. As a result, I am able to use that knowledge effectively.

“The Lord gives wisdom: …knowledge plus experiential insight” Proverbs 2.6

Apply This Today!

Wisdom is available to me if I choose to engage in seeking wisdom.

Next, I must allow the precepts to change who I am.

However, absorbing wisdom is much more than simply memorization of facts. Or, even accumulation of head knowledge.

Instead, I must reflect on what I’m hearing, seeing, and reading to build useful insights, because that way I become wise.

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author

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