Multiple times, Solomon stated that his life goal was to know wisdom. As it turned out, he succeeded dramatically! Similarly, knowing wisdom is my goal in life.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for Ecclesiastes 7.25 as used in the post: Knowing Wisdom is My Goal in Life

Knowing Wisdom

Solomon was very clear. Fact is, his life goal was “to know wisdom” according to Proverbs 1.2.

Moreover, he said the same thing in Ecclesiastes 1.17 “I gave my heart to know wisdom …”

Likewise, in Ecclesiastes 7.25 we read “I applied my heart to know … and to seek out wisdom …”

Thus, it’s clear that Solomon’s life goal was to know wisdom.

Furthermore, wisdom is defined in Proverbs 2.6 as factual knowledge combined with experiential insight.

The outcome of that life goal was that Solomon “… was wiser than all men …” First Kings 4.31. Hence, everyone around him “… saw that the wisdom of God was in him to make sound decisions” First Kings 3.28.

“Kings came to hear the wisdom of Solomon because they heard of his wisdom” 1 Kings 4.34

A Goal in Life

Obviously, Solomon had a very clearly defined life goal.

In addition, it’s also apparent that he succeeded in accomplishing that life goal.

Why clear? Because by his own assessment he gained wealth and wisdom: “I have come to great estate and have more wisdom than anyone else …” Ecclesiastes 1.16.

Goal Achievement

So, how did Solomon reach this life outcome?

For starters, we read hints from the record of his administration. Also, from his teaching in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.

Some of Solomon’s more obvious critical success factors are:

Most fundamentally, in First Kings 3.9 he asked God to give him the ability to listen and to discern. As a result, he could make sound decisions.

Next, as a good listener, Solomon was willing to learn. Thus, to accept instruction.

Remember, the opening chapters of Proverbs contain references to the importance of being teachable. For example, see Proverbs 2.1-3 “… listen … absorb … apply your character to gaining insight … deeply desire knowledge … ask …”

As well, he was a keen observer of both humans and nature. Plus, he had others keep a journal of his observations. For instance, see 1 Kings 4.32-33.

Proverbs for Professionals Life Purpose quote as used in the post: Knowing Wisdom is My Goal in Life

Apply This Today!

Like Solomon, knowing wisdom is my goal in life.

A very clear life goal and persistent efforts toward that goal lead to goal accomplishment. Duh! Well, that certainly worked for Solomon!

However, it’s obvious that I must be intentional about my personal and professional growth as a life goal.

But, less obvious is that I must be extremely discerning about which goals to pursue. Also, discerning about who I allow to influence me.

Solomon’s solution was pray for discernment so he could make sound decisions as a leader. I should be so wise!

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author

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