To avoid living in a continual daze and state of confusion, leaders must recognize that sense-making is an essential skill.

Discernment and sense-making are essential and companion skills for a leader. Why? Because leaders must be able to recognize what’s happening in front of them. Then, leaders must respond appropriately and wisely.

Hence, sense-making is an essential skill for any leader.

The Essentials

There is a call to wisdom in Proverbs Chapter 1, set as a goal “to know wisdom.”

As such, it directs me to “discern the words of sense-making”, Proverbs 1.2. That is, I’m to learn through life’s correction and discipline.

So, learn what? Well, learn to make sense of what I see, hear, and experience.

Actually, sense-making changes disconnected events into a coherent whole. Thus, life experiences can become a growth process when I’m teachable.

Conversely, those experiences are lost on me if I respond in anger and stubbornness.

Moreover, discernment enables me to accurately separate when to persist from when to change course. In fact, a lack of sense-making capability leaves me confused as to where to go or what to do next.

Apply This Today!

Now, don’t live in a daze! Instead, be teachable.

And, recognize that sense-making is an essential skill. So, be that leader!

Additionally, become more discerning in order to make sense of things.

Remember, to be a success, leaders must be adept at sense-making.

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