Creativity is divine and eternal. But, what am I creating? What’s coming back out of my life as a result of what I’ve been given?

When I work, when I interact with others, when I think – I’m creating. However, what am I creating? That is, what’s coming from my life that’s of lasting value?

The Essentials

The opening chapters of Proverbs call to me. How so? Well, to listen and respond to wisdom.

Moreover, when you open the lid, the moving parts of wisdom are the precepts, or individual proverbs. As such, they reflect the wisdom that’s universal.

Now, in Proverbs 3.19-20 we learn that a precept-driven life brings along with it intense creativity. That is, it gathers and makes sense of knowledge, as informed by experiential insight.

Actually, that creativity, Proverbs 3.19, is also cyclical and sustainable, Proverbs 3.20. Therefore, creativity is ongoing, not simply a one-time event.

More importantly, these observations affirm that wisdom is both eternal and divine.

Hence, it’s shallow and limiting to think of wisdom as simply wise behavior, or discretion, or discernment, or self-control. Although wisdom brings those traits, it’s fundamentally much more!

Now, here’s an obvious question. How did God have experiential insight prior to the creation? Well, by the time of creation He already had an eternity’s worth of experiences that are unrecorded!

More practically, wisdom, defined as experiential insight and knowledge are available to me. How do I know? See Proverbs 2.6 for the answer!

But, what am I creating? Actually, my human creativity, my ability to grasp the concepts of universal wisdom, my character transformation, are all evidence of God’s blessings on my life!

Apply This Today!

So, what am I creating? That is, in the lives of other. Or, in regard to my own personal, professional, and spiritual transformation?

In short, where does my life show a divine touch?

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