A spring pictures what bubbles up out of our lives that we share with others. Likewise, when we are sharing from the overflow of personal growth much good happens.

This blog post contains my personal LinkedIn entries for the week of October 25 through October 29, 2021.

You’ve been passed over!

Actually, you performed well and contributed.

Unfortunately, expectations were higher, or different than, your level of contribution.

I’ve been there – it hurts!

So, now what? From my experience, you have several options:

1). Stay put – play the victim
2). Continue to improve – grow your skill set so you do meet expectations
3). Move on to something different.

The option you choose has much to say about your sense of self worth. Also, about your level of commitment to the vision you have for yourself.

Today’s Questions: Have you been passed over? How did you respond?

I’m convinced that it’s a high-risk strategy to define my self-worth by a single life incident. Or, a negative outcome. It’s better, I believe, to give myself other options as I seek a path forward. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Proverbs 14.10 notes the deeply personal nature of bitterness that can reach down into my very soul.

Sharing from the overflow!

There are three springs that flow into the creeks on either side of our property.

A spring pictures what bubbles up out of our lives that we share with others.

Like a spring, what flows out of us should come naturally and continuously.

Similarly, that flow joins with other creeks to form a larger body of water. Hence, a picture of multiplication. That is, what we share can influence the lives of others.

Today’s Insight: Visualize your life as a pass-through for wisdom and experience. As such, you will be sharing from the overflow of personal growth.

The overflow of my life experiences, when shared with clarity, is useful both to me and to others as I share freely. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Proverbs 18.4 compares shared wisdom to deep waters and a spring that feeds a flowing brook. That is, what flows out of my life, in the form of insights, nourishes and refreshes others.

Anyone else get these connection requests?

DM from “female” with inappropriate profile photo. Three connections. A job description that sounds like it was copied from a textbook. And, no LI posts or interactions in the last 90 days:

Hello. How are you?

Me: I am fine. Also, I am retired. And, I am married. Thus, I’m not interested in investing. Or, in a girl friend on the side. You are welcome to follow me on LI.

Response: That’s great. Can we text via number?

Me: No thanks.

Next Response: Okay. Thanks. But why?

Here are the facts: I am old. Not wealthy. Certainly not handsome. Although I’ve been called that on some of these conversations!

Ok. What’s the end game here for these types of requests?

UPDATE: Within a few days of posting this I received several more, similar solicitations. One was especially insistent that I needed someone to talk to. “She” sent me an inappropriate picture. I responded that it was unprofessional, to which she answered “just kidding.” Apparently, being polite doesn’t work in these situations. Thus, perhaps a quick “not interested” in response to the first message is needed.

True discernment is the ability to know the difference between right and wrong. However, knowing that difference isn’t enough because I must act appropriately. Thus, integrity is a willingness to do what’s right. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Proverbs 7.7 states that the simple-minded lack character, thus exercise poor judgment in relationships.

Pursue that goal!

You’ve heard that, right?

Other versions include “chase that dream” and “pursue that passion.”

Before heading down that path, pause to ask:
1). How does this life goal fit who I am?
2). Does this ambition fit who I want to be?
3). Whose desire is this, really?
4). Will this reflect my best self? Or, is this pursuit shallow and materialistic?

In short, before diving head first into a pursuit, spend some time in reflection. And, understand your motives.

I’m not suggesting we talk ourselves out of taking risk by growing. But, I am suggesting we have the foresight to understand where growth will take us.

My ability to make sense of what I am feeling in me and seeing around me is limited, somewhat, by my character, values, and temporal outlook. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Proverbs 23.4-5 warns about blindly pursuing the wrong goals, even when it seems to make perfect sense to you! Instead, recognize what’s temporal and what’s lasting.

That really hurts!

Friends can be tough on us.

Why? Because they say what we don’t want to hear, but need to hear.

Now, how do you get to this point in a relationship? Well, beyond time together, I think it’s important for the person giving the advice to have something worthwhile to share.

Photo of a fall scene from the mountains as used in the post Sharing from the overrflow!
Friendship can be as calming as nature!

Today’s Insight: Friendship involves sharing hard truths when it’s unpleasant to do so.

True friends are perceptive enough, and sensitive enough, to speak the truth to us in love. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Proverbs 27.6 notes the value of honest, constructive criticism from a close friend. In contrast, someone with a hidden agenda seems nice, but it’s only to deceive.