A leader can be a source of inspiration and refreshing by sharing with others his/her experiential insights. That’s what’s flowing out of me!

This blog entry contains my personal LinkedIn weekday posts for October 11 through October 15, 2021.

What good is self-care?

Well, how many social media posts do you read on the topic of burnout?

It’s good to have time to get away. And relax. Plus refresh.

More importantly, time to reflect in order to build insights.

We should find time to reflect – regularly. But, for many, it doesn’t happen.

So, then what? Well, symptoms include: burnout, frustration, damaged relationships, and no growth.

Hence, the extreme value of self-care.

Today’s Question: How do you push time into your schedule for self-care?

My own self-care is an everyday necessity, not an occasional luxury! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Proverbs 3.1-2 teaches that peace, using the Hebrew word shalom, and increased capacity, are two important outcomes of a life lived in balance.

Have you noticed this isn’t working?

Maybe you’ve said this during a call to a help desk. Everything they’ve tried has failed. You are getting increasingly frustrated.

As a leader, a shotgun approach to problem resolution will erode your credibility.

Instead, be deliberate. And deliberative. As well as consultative.

Today’s Question: What are your best practices for avoiding a scatter-shot approach to problem solving?

Don’t fall into the trap of seeing what will stick to the wall as a leader. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Proverbs 17.27-28 warns against speaking quickly. You know, “let’s try this!” Leaders must not get trapped by the desire for quick fixes.

What’s in it for me?

Personal growth produces high return. So, that’s what’s in it for you!

For example, as I grow I’m equipped to step into professional opportunities when they arise.

Moreover, that growth fuels my ability to interact with others in ways that are impactful.

Today’s Question: Where are you focusing your personal growth efforts?

Personal growth is the ultimate, self-satisfying activity! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Proverbs 9.12 emphasizes the return when I focus on becoming wise. In contrast, it says not to waste time looking down on or being dismissive of others.

What’s flowing out of me?

A leader can be a source of inspiration. And refreshing.

How? By sharing with others his/her experiential insights. That is, what’s learned from intentional reflection.

That grow-then-share mindset is a deliberate choice.

Today’s Question: Do you view your professional insights as something to be freely shared with others?

Learning from experience increases my capacity to share because I have more to draw from over time. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Proverbs 18.4 compares the wisdom I have available to share with a spring-fed brook that flows continuously. I have “deep water” wisdom to share because I’ve invested in personal growth.

Where did that come from?

Leaders must get to root caused of organizational issues. Else, they chase symptoms all day.

Similarly, in our personal lives, we must be self-aware enough to sense our feelings and the source of those responses. Else, we constantly ask “Where did that come from?”

What’s the outcome of finding root cause? We are positioned to address those issues, then enjoy significant growth.

Today’s Question: What professional breakthrough has occurred in your life because you were able to identify and address root cause?

What trait helps leaders identify root cause? I suggest that discernment – seeing below the surface – is an important factor in recognizing where things come from and why. proverbsforprofessionals.net

From Proverbs 25.2 we learn that leaders build influence by being able to “search out a matter” – that is, to get down to root cause.