If I’m unaware of my values I cannot answer “Why is that important?” Moreover, I don’t become aware of my values without times of self-reflection.

Now, Proverbs 23.1-8 does a great job of pushing me toward self-awareness, especially in regard to my values and my motives. It helps me answer “why is that important?”

The Essentials

In short, here’s the passage. Discernment (verse 1) enhances self-awareness and self-control (verse 2). In addition, discernment helps clarify my values (verses 3-5).

What’s discernment? Well, it’s that ability to recognize what’s in front of me. To tell what’s true and what’s false.

Truly, clear values are especially critical to knowing my motives (“don’t desire” verse 3; “Don’t work for” verse 4). Why motives? Because they answer the “why did I do that?” question, that’s why!

Also, clear values help assess my view of the material (“riches fly away” verse 5). Hence, knowing the temporal versus eternal. Ok, I get it. Easy to say, but hard to live out.

Actually, discernment, clear values, and an appropriate time horizon reflect my character (verse 7). That is, who I am at my core. Most critically, I cannot answer these “who” questions without times of honest reflection.

What’s worse, I choose my character – deliberately!

Here, a sound character contributes to foresight. How so? Because I can recognize motives and a deceptive character. More importantly, I see outcomes and I choose to take action beforehand.

Apply This Today!

Remember, discernment is inside-out. Clear personal values answer “why is that important?”

I’m not equipped to recognized and respond to the motives and values of someone else until I have successfully built my own self-awareness.

Foresight keeps me out of lots of trouble! However, I must be willing to use it by thinking critically.

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