Joy, recognizing meaning in life, and relaxation are all elements of self-care. We give back what we learn from that self care as we share from the overflow of our lives.

This blog post contains my personal LinkedIn weekday posts for February 28 to March 5, 2022.

Where does multiplication happen?

We tend to think of multiplication in terms of WHAT we accomplish. You know, the to-do list!

However, I think healthy self-worth is based on WHO I am not on WHAT I am producing.

WHAT is material and temporal, whereas WHO is spiritual and eternal.

Today’s Observation: Lasting multiplication occurs as I grow WHO I am.

In First Kings 6.11-13 God promised Solomon that He would multiply His blessings to an entire nation based on the obedience of one person! Thus, a leader can have a far-reaching impact by simply executing on the basics of WHO he/she is.

Photo of a lake, taken early morning, with the steam lifting off the lake.

You never…you always!

These two words, never and always, don’t work well as a conversation starter. As in “you never listen to me!”

Instead, they tend to accuse by highlighting my (perceived) grievances.

However, the two can work well as part of a compliment. As in “you never criticize me unfairly.”

Today’s Question: Ever catch yourself using one of these sweeping generalizations?

In Proverbs 25.11 we read that the right words at the right time are truly beneficial.

Do you see that?

We see moments of joy, and opportunity for influence, by being sensitive to what’s in front of us right now.

Today’s Question: What practices enable you to build mindful sensitivity into daily activities?

Proverbs 14.10 teaches that my inner self knows both deep joy and severe bitterness. With practice, I can extend that self-awareness out to my dealings with others as I build up my emotional intelligence.

Share from the overflow!

Joy, recognizing meaning in life, and relaxation are all elements of self-care.

In turn, that joy and life fulfillment can be shared.

Today’s Question: What do you have to share out of the overflow of an abundant life?

We are as good and as impactful as what we have to give away to others!

In Proverbs 24.3-4 we learn how the process of gaining insights from life gives back abundance to us.

Photo of a swan on a small pond

Who do you spend time with?

One critical element of a purposeful life is spending time with those who build you up!

Therefore, live with purpose, on purpose!

Today’s Observation: Be an encourager – on purpose. Look for encouragers who will build you up.

There’s something fundamentally wrong in a relationship when someone cannot disagree with you without attacking your character.

Proverbs 27.17 teaches that good friends build up, that is they literally sharpen, each other!

Why grow?

Commitment to growth produces dramatic transformation.

That change is first internal.

However, it spills out in the form of influence and service to others.

Today’s Observation: Recognizing the end-point of personal growth is a great motivator.

A deeply-rewarding inner life is a deliberate choice we each get to make! Therefore, choose abundance!

Proverbs 3.1-4 notes that character transformation brings a number of benefits, including greater productivity, recognizing what’s essential, and peace.

Photo of trees turning colors in the fall