I’m positioned for multiplication through personal growth. That is, I’m ready for opportunities when they come because of leadership skills built earlier.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase for 1 Kings 3.13 as used in the post: Positioned for Multiplication

The Precept Explained

How often do you get more than you bargained for? What were times when your expectations were exceeded?

Perhaps these outcomes aren’t common when receiving commodity services.

However, I become wise and discerning by a precept-driven life. As such, I’m positioned for dramatic multiplication.

That is, to get more from life, I must become more insightful and more discerning.

When I balance knowing and doing, I enjoy more years of life and more productive days. Proverbs 3.2 paraphrase

Positioned for Multiplication

So, why multiplication?

First, because a growth mindset sees new opportunities, then acts on those open doors.

Second, because a generous nature invests in myself and in others. As a result, that sowing reaps loyalty and creativity.

Third, because this abundance mindset becomes self-fulfilling. Why? Because I avoid common self-inhibitors. For example, stubbornness, shallow-mindedness, and a lack of focus. Simply,

1). I pull those “weeds” from my thoughts.

2). Then, I free up space to see other options.

3). Finally, I explore alternatives without fear of failure.

Hence, I enjoy gains in productivity. So, this is multiplication at its best! See the diagram below for links between growth, discernment, and leadership impact.

Proverbs for Professionals image of "Multiplying My Impact!" as used in the post: Positioned for Multiplication

A Practical Example

So, now the case of Solomon.

First Kings 3 describes his deep spirituality. As a result, he was written a blank check. “Ask for whatever you want…” First Kings 3.5.

Solomon asked for discernment, First Kings 3.9. In response, he received a wise and discerning character, 3.12. Plus, other benefits he didn’t ask for, 3.13-14!

Therefore, Solomon got back more than he asked for because he was positioned for multiplication!

How so? Because he asked for help. As such, Solomon admitted that he didn’t know what he didn’t know!

Leadership Insight

An impactful leader receives this same return when he/she invests in their own personal growth.

Similarly, multiplication comes by investing in the growth of direct reports and others.

The leader’s abundance mindset permeates the organization. In some, but not all cases, the leader sees changes in what had been a fixed mindset.

A Warning

However, don’t misunderstand. The challenges faced by the organization will be no less significant.

But, the energy and creativity that’s aimed at those challenges will increase significantly.

Why? Because an abundance mindset replaces a fixed viewpoint.

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Impactful leaders position themselves and the organizations they lead for multiplication by being generous and growth-minded.

Apply This Today!

Now, it’s common knowledge that I should prepare for opportunity before it comes.

Consequently, preparation involves deliberate growth. Moreover, that personal and professional growth is fueled by an abundance mindset.

Impactful leaders invest generously in others. For example, through mentoring and in making possible professional development. The outcome is dramatic multiplication!

Thanks for visiting. Please contact me if you have comments: larrydaleyoung@gmail.com

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