When discussing ends and means, do ends justify any means? That is, can we justify any outrageous behavior under the guise of believing our ends are desirable?

Practical applications of timeless precepts

Unfortunately, ends do justify means when we lack discernment to know the difference between right and wrong!

What’s Right?

Interestingly, there’s a conversation with God, recorded in First Kings 3.9. There, Solomon asked God for the discernment to know right from wrong so he could lead effectively. Therefore, discernment drives wise behavior.

In First Kings 3.9 Solomon asked to the ability to listen with his heart. Why? To discern right from wrong. Again, why? So he could lead (judge) the people.

To me, that request identifies the key attribute of an effective leader. That is, knowing right from wrong! Why? Because discernment helps us recognize the truth!

Leadership Insight

Actually, in the U.S. today, we are struggling.

How so? Because we fail to recognize that most fundamental aspect of discernment. That is, what’s right and what’s wrong.

Truly, without that discernment anything goes at any time. Thus, ends justify means.

For example, when does free speech stop and endangering lives begin?

Additionally, are media outlets responsible for what people choose to believe, no matter how outrageous, inaccurate, or deceptive the content that’s broadcast?

Worse yet, if I believe I’m right and you are wrong can I, by brute force, overturn what has happened?

To me, these questions drive to the heart of what a civil and moral society really is.

Quote: A leader who knows what's right and who does what's right will push away lots of bad advice.

Apply This Today!

We are endangering fundamental processes as we continue to drive toward extremes on the left and right. Why? Because we are leaving no middle ground for rational conversation.

The prevailing view that “Either you are with me or you are the enemy” produces two waring camps and no solutions to the serious challenges we face.