There’s an old saying about not biting the hand that feeds you. But, what hand is that?

Selfie of the author as used in the blog post The Hand That Feeds You

Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You!

It’s an old saying. However, what hand feeds you – mostly?

Yes, we should be grateful for what we receive from others. In fact, that’s the essential meaning of this old saying.

But more importantly, we should not bite back at ourselves.

Ok, I get it — that’s easier said than done! But, if we’re not deliberately challenging our life responses we never get any better.

From Proverbs 7.1-4 we learn that before changing WHAT I DO I must first undergo transformation of WHO I AM. Hence, begin with WHO!

A Destructive Habit

Self-talk can be good. Or, it can be bad. Regardless, it can be a life-long habit.

Truth is, if we’re not careful, our self-talk easily turns into self-defeating, unwarranted criticism.

For me, this pattern seems to arise most often when I’m stressed.

Conversely, give yourself some slack already! We can change this destructive pattern in our life!

Our perception of life is truly the reality we choose to live in each day! So, choose that perception wisely!

The Precept

At an especially low point in his life, after a significant set-back and harsh criticism, King David “encouraged himself.”

He did so by relying on his relationship with the Lord. See 1 Samuel 30.6 for the quote, and the Chapter for the entire story.

In short, our personal relationship with God is indeed important when we’re deeply stressed.

Proverbs 12.14 teaches that what we say – to others and to ourselves – can be very satisfying.

Apply This Today!

Use the pause between stimulus and response to give yourself time to reflect. For example, by asking: “Is what I’m thinking about myself really true?”

After self-forgiveness, move on. Envision living a life of purpose. Build clarity about where you want to go in life, and why you want to go there.

Finally, a question: What practices help you stop negative self-talk while it’s happening? 

A mindset that envisions abundance drives personal transformation, and is critical for our well-being.