We often ask “Why did I think that?” after doing something really dumb. That is, our thoughts drive our actions. So, what’s the way out of this trap? Keep reading to find out.

Proverbs for Professionals tagline: Practical Applications of Timeless Precepts

Rational or emotional?

I suspect we all think we are rational and logical. Thus, we create our lives intentionally.

However, the reality is we struggle with negative self talk. And, are subject to triggers that bring on emotional responses. Ouch!

I don’t think there are easy solutions. In fact, if there were easy solutions we would all be free of letting our emotions control us from time to time.

Our perception of life is truly the reality we choose to live in each day! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Finding a way forward

So, where to start! Well, we start down the path of improvement by becoming aware of the triggers in our lives. Consequently, we become more self aware as a result.

Then, we use the pause between stimulus and response to give ourselves time to think, to consider. For example, by thinking:

“Do I really want to say this?” Or,

“If I say this, what are the likely outcomes?”

Also, we need to be sensitive to the negative self talk that goes on in our heads. How? By asking ourselves “Is that really true?”

These are examples of being proactive, to use Covey’s term. To what end? For changing our predominant though patterns.

That is, we intentionally choose the abundance of a positive mindset rather than self-criticism.

From Proverbs 7.1-4 we learn the following: Before changing WHAT I DO I must first undergo transformation of WHO I AM. Hence, begin with WHO! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Expected changes

So, what are the outcomes?

First, when we change our thoughts we change our decisions.

Second, when we change our decisions we change our actions.

Third, when we change our actions we change our life outcomes.

Apply this today!

Therefore, think critically.

Then, allow that critical thinking to drive good judgment.

Good judgment, in turn, drives wise behavior. Consequently, I change – for the better!

In short, choose to live with purpose, on purpose!