I can learn from experience, or from the insights of others. But, when I miss the multiplication principle I risk falling into a destructive life pattern.

So, you’ve heard “live and learn.” What’s the assumption? Actually, that I’m learning! But, what if there’s no learning. Then, I risk falling into a destructive life pattern.

The Essentials

One way to learn is through observation.

Now, according to Proverbs 6.6-8 it’s wise to look and learn.

So, what’s the problem? Well, for one, not learning anything!

Worse yet, is the destructive life pattern that results, Proverbs 6.9-11.

Now, it’s wise to learn from observation, Proverbs 6.6. However, even when I’m told the right answer, I may choose to ignore the insight.

So, how do I become dismissive of universal truth?

1). Perhaps I’ve never been held accountable. That is, I’m always being bailed out.

2). Or, I’ve had some modest, accidental success. Thus, I’m convinced my way actually works. This case, by the way, is a false-positive outcome.

Regardless, without discretion, discernment, and experiential insight I’m learning nothing!

Worse yet, according to Proverbs 6.10-11, I don’t grasp the multiplication principle. That is, I miss how “little” issues, Proverbs 6.10, compound over time into much larger problems, Proverbs 6.11.

Apply This Today!

What’s a worse case scenario? I never learn from negative outcomes. And, I never change my behavior. As a result, my character and my attitudes never change. So, I’m stuck in a negative cycle — constantly!

Conversely, when I recognize the value of compounding I can multiply my personal and professional growth by investing in myself. That is, by being a learner. Then, I side-step a destructive life pattern.

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