It’s one thing to collect a bunch of facts. But, it’s something very different to make sense of them! We need help with organizing the facts!

Photo of fog on the mountains.

Connecting the Dots

Gathering facts is simply collecting the dots. That is, there are no connections!

But, organizing the facts provides a way of connecting the dots.

In short, we begin to assign relationships and meaning to the data we’ve collected.

So, first we listen. Then second, we begin the process of sense making.

What Sense Making Looks Like

Ok, what’s sense making?

Well, sense making is a way to organize data. Thus, to keep facts in my head.

So, sense making is an essential skill.

For example, I use a mental model or a framework to provide a structure.

Such as? Sowing and reaping is a helpful model that enables me to connect cause and effect.

As I make sense of things I:

1). Reduce uncertainty,

2). Lessen my chances of taking inappropriate actions, and

3). Cut down on stumble-in-the-dark behavior!

Sense making changes disconnected events into a coherent whole. Thus, life experiences can become a growth process when I’m teachable.

The Role of Critical Thinking

Sense making involves both both head and heart. Therefore, I’m thinking critically AND I’m led by gut feeling.

Now, I get it that some of us are better at head rather than heart!

Actually, when I’m thinking critically I’m able to think on my feet and I can draw back for a time to think deeply about an issue.

Consequently, regarding the issue I’m considering, deep thinking enables me to separate out which facts are, and are not, relevant.

The Precept

Unsurprisingly, the Book of Proverbs addresses sense making, critical thinking, and identifying what’s essential.

For starters, in Proverbs 4.5 Solomon says understanding, hence sense making, is a way to help us remember (“…forget it not…”).

Then, in Proverbs 4.19 he talks about how a lack of sense making results in us stumbling in the dark.

In Proverbs 14.8 he notes that critical thinking produces discernment about where we’re going in life.

According to Proverbs 22.3, critical thinking gives foresight so we take corrective action.

And, grasping what’s essential is a source of good in life, Proverbs 13.15.

Paraphrase of Daniel 9.22

Apply This Today!

Sense making provides help with organizing the facts.

As such, critical thinking, discernment, and grasping what’s essential are tools to assist with sense making.

Sense making helps answer the question: WHAT just happened? And: WHY did that just happen?