You can learn a lot by looking carefully! So, behave wisely by learning from observation.

JPG of a paraphrase of Proverbs 21.12

Learning From Observation

Now, “learn from the mistakes of others” is common advice. As is, “listen and learn.”

However, in Proverbs 21.12 we find a prerequisite to this advice. That is, we need a sound character that’s marked by personal integrity.

Thus, many see what’s happening.

But, fewer look deeply. Then, learn from observation.

And, fewer still know this fundamental truth. Integrity produces wise behavior.

Conversely, a lack of integrity is destructive.

In short, my integrity guides me.

Additionally, integrity recognizes the poor choices that are rooted in a poor character.

JPG image of Principles-based Decision Making

Leadership Insight

So, why tell me this? Actually, isn’t this precept commonly understood?

Therefore, where’s the value added?

Well, Yes, we know personal integrity yields wise behavior. Also, we understand the problems with a lack of integrity.

All that said, “commonly understood” doesn’t mean “commonly practiced”!

Hence, firms fire executives. Also, firms settle with watchdog agencies. Worse yet, families are split by the-rules-don’t-apply-to-me behavior.

Moreover, being obvious doesn’t mean being easy. Why? Because leaders must be watchful to live with integrity.

Again, why? Because there’s pressure to cut corners. And, we want quick gain. So, leaders ignore rational thought.

Knowing and doing are two very different things!

The solution? Lots of regulations. Severe penalties. An army of compliance officers. But, it doesn’t fix a poor character.

JPG image of a definition for Behave Yourself Wisely

Apply This Today!

First, guard your character. Why? Because doing right is hard work.

Second, learn continually as part of building a sound character.

Third, common knowledge about what’s right doesn’t always yield ethical practice.

Today’s Question: Without being self-righteous or continually suspicious, how are you doing as a leader in sensing challenges to your integrity?