I can grow by emphasizing strengths or marginalizing weaknesses. But, where should I focus? Read this post to find out what works best.

The Essentials

Do I focus on strengths, making those areas stronger? Or, should address my weaknesses, thereby making them less a hinderance?

Well, here’s my opinion. Invest where you see the greatest return. So, I would build on existing strengths where possible.

That said, some flaws are fatal and must be addressed. Actually, I don’t want to be foolishly overconfident.

But, it’s easier, I think, to find others on my team to back-fill those areas where I’m lacking. That way I push my strengths so I’m equipped to bring to most to the table.

In short, I recognize and focus on my highest point of contribution. I think this type of focus is doable, assuming I’m taking time for self-reflection. Plus, I’m committed to growth.

The Precept

Proverbs 9.7-9 instructs us to not waste time correcting a scorner. That is, someone who is so arrogant they only see their opinion and their views as correct and relevant.

Don’t waste time arguing with a scorner, Proverbs 9.7 or with a fool, Proverbs 14.7. Instead, walk away!

Thus, we are to use our time working with those who are wise and who act with integrity. Why? Because that’s where we will see the greatest return on investing in others.

Therefore, I believe one implication in this teaching is to focus on strengths, while marginalizing weaknesses.

The Precept: It’s most beneficial when I’m insightful enough know my audience then respond appropriately. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Apply This Today!

What’s a fatal flaw? if struck there I’m of no value.

Remember, David struck the giant in the forehead. Apparently, that was the one area on Goliath not protected by armor.

Similarly, as I build self-awareness, I grow in my self-understanding. Then, in my discretion.

As a result, I begin to minimize my exposure to these fatal flaws. Why? Because I’ve learned my triggers. Therefore, I can reduce the number of mental hijackings that take place every day!

How about you? Where are you placing the emphasis for your own professional development?

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