There’s a big difference between CAN learn and WILL learn. We have significant capacity to learn, thus to change. Fact is, I can learn! Really!

This blog post contains my personal LinkedIn posts for the dates November 15 through November 19, 2021.

Just follow the directions!

I hate technology! Actually, I hate the set-up involved with technology.

For example, with our newly-purchased smart TV. The guy at the store said “easy to set up, just follow the directions!”

With hardly any swearing, the TV setup went reasonably well. However, finding and loading the APP for the streaming service wasn’t so easy.

Well, at least not for me! Why? Because they were assuming much more knowledge on my part than my 71-year old brain actually had.

Worse yet, there were no grandkids available to help!

Today’s Question: What’s your process for dealing with issues that are new and outside your comfort zone?

Often, life success involves learning from experience, then applying that new learning into a different context.

In First Samuel 17, we read a familiar story. As part of his job interview for facing a giant, David drew on his past experiences in the field as a shepherd. Read First Samuel 17.34-37 for the details.


Be sure to get this order of operation correct!

Why is this important? Because the WHY of a clearly-defined life purpose doesn’t work without the self-worth, self-awareness, and values of a clearly understood WHO.

To be myself as a personal brand I must first truly know myself as a person.

Likewise, the WHAT of a personal brand is pointless, I believe, if I don’t understand and respect:
1). WHO I am, and
2). WHY I do WHAT I do.

In short, branding behavior depends on purpose, which in turn, relies on deeply-held life values.

That is, WHO I am drives everything else I produce that’s of lasting value!

Today’s Question: What practices have helped you become more self-aware?

A balanced life isn’t a matter of native intelligence. Instead, it’s an outcome of intentional heart change. I literally become wise-hearted!

In Proverbs, Solomon never asks me to change my mind. Instead, he asks for my heart, that is, for me to undergo character transformation. For example, see Proverbs 2.2 “Apply your heart…”

Knowing the right thing to do,
And then doing the right thing,
Are two very different things!

Tell us more!

Some posts tell engaging stories of personal challenge, persistent effort, and successful change.

In comments, I tend to ask for more details. For example:
1). How did you navigate through the challenge?
2). What specific steps did you take?
3). What have you learned since turning the corner?

I think we best learn from transformational stories by hearing the details of how you moved from where you were to where you are today.

Those details are actionable. I can plug them into my life today.

So YES, share your story. However, share enough specifics that we have something that can be plugged in for impactful change in our lives.

Today’s Insight: My experiential insights multiply into the lives of others to the extent that I deeply share those insights.

Don’t simply tell me about hard work and good luck. We all work hard! Tell me the specifics is the stories you share so that I have something to act on — today!

We are encouraged to share from our lifetime treasure of personal experiences, Matthew 13.52. Likewise, we receive back good as a result of what we share with others, Proverbs 13.2.

I can learn!

There’s a big difference between CAN learn and WILL learn.

We have significant capacity to learn, thus to change.

Unfortunately, we also have significant capacity to resist change by refusing to listen and learn.

Fact is, learners are growers. That growth produces someone new, different, better!

Here’s one way to learn and grow:

1). Aware – recognize that a gap exists.

2). Absorb – Be intentional about finding tools to close the gap.

3). Apply – Plug that learning into your daily leadership practices.

Hence, a straight-forward growth formula: Aware, Absorb, and Apply.

Today’s Question: From this simple growth process, which step seems to cause you the most trouble?

Setbacks can inspire or they can lead to despair! For better or worse, I get to choose the outcome for my life!

The Three-step Decision Model of 1 Kings 3.9listen, discern, and act – applies equally as well to our personal growth:

First, I listen to become aware.

Second, I discern to absorb what’s really true.

Third, I apply that learning by taking action.

Maybe the rain isn’t the problem!

Well, is the rain a problem? It depends.

If I had outdoor activities planned, like yard work or a baseball tournament, then Yes, it’s a problem.

But what if I view the rain as part of a normal cycle rather than a giant conspiracy? That is, what if I choose a different perspective on life events?

Similarly, rather than conclude evil intent, perhaps I could ask someone what their intentions were. 

Today’s Insight: Perception is reality when I make assumptions. And, when I don’t expend the effort to find out what’s really true.

Perception is reality. Unfortunately, sometimes, my perception is the problem because it’s just plain wrong!

Proverbs 16.15 speaks of leaders as givers of goodwill to others. So, be that leader! As a comparison, that same verse notes that a seasonal rain is beneficial as the approaching clouds signal good that is to come.