When we learn to persist we’re not fearless, but we’re also not paralyzed by fear. Thus, can we be fearless? Well, it depends!

This blog post contains my personal LinkedIn entries for June 6 through June 12, 2022.

Individual challenge but a family stress

In a family, a challenge for one can be stress for all.

Here are some examples of challenges from the past 47 years of our marriage:

1). Loss with our first pregnancy.

2). Emergency surgery during a later pregnancy where the doctor told me that if there was trouble he would save the mom and not the unborn child.

3). Two different periods of financial stress where I was out of work and making do with several part-time jobs.

4). Deaths in the family, such as loss of parents and a grandchild.

I suspect many of you have faced similar challenges as a family.

When we know our life purpose, and are willing to pursue that divinely-given life purpose, we are then positioned to live with purpose, on purpose! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: We don’t always choose life challenges. But, by our responses, we choose the depth of our personal growth!

The Precept: In Genesis 50.19-20 Joseph said to his brothers: “I’m where God put me. What I’ve experienced in life God meant for good so I can accomplish my life purpose.”

What has helped you best respond when faced with a family challenge?

Photo of a seating area around a spring

What’s your story?

That is, what stories can you share from your life that will be encouraging, impactful, or inspiring?

Don’t be boring like me by saying “There are none!”

Instead, reflect. Think about past experiences. And current challenges. Times where you overcame.

We are as inspired by life going on around us as we are aware of what’s happening in life right in front of us! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: We tell our own stories, and thus have the greatest impact on others, when we recognize our God-given uniqueness.

The Precept: In Proverbs 4.4 Solomon tells us about how his father taught him life principles. Those precepts are the same across time, but the personal stories of applying the precepts are unique!

Share one of your life stories with us in a comment.

Photo of a goat on a roof at a tourist attraction

Your reservation is cancelled!

Months ago we made a reservation in preparation for a family reunion. The rentals are houses inside a lakeside resort, each owned independently.

Our rental house sold. The new owner decided not to be in the rental business. So, months of reservations like ours were cancelled on short notice!

I’m not here to argue about legality, or even about being ethical. Instead, I want to comment on perspective as reflected by living in balance.

Everyday life isn’t dull routine. It’s practice for when we are called to be exceptional! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: Sometimes, when considering the difficulties others face, our issues really are not so serious! So, I should get a life!

The Precept: Proverbs 14.22 speaks of “mercy and truth” coming to those who emphasize the good in life. Thus, one aspect of living in balance is knowing what’s right (truth) and doing what’s right (mercy).

What helps you maintain a right perspective on life?

Photo of low-lying fog early in the morning

The war in my mind!

I regularly see LI posts about a war. The secret, self-talk war in the mind!

We fret over circumstances we DON’T control, but rarely acknowledge what we DO control!

We are as impactful as WHO we believe we are! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: For many, the ever-present villain is inside us, our negative self-talk that attacks our self-worth!

The Precept: Proverbs 23.7 states the often-repeated truth that I become what dominates my thoughts. So, I should choose my thoughts wisely!

What helps you to identify and quickly move on from negative self-talk?

Photo of an empty field taken from under a low-hanging tree limb

Can we be fearless?

I’m not sure we are ever completely fearless.

I suspect we learn how to face our fears, live with them, and move forward despite that fear.

Thus, “courage is fear walking” (Susan David, Ph.D.).

I’m convinced that we can never know the peace OF God until we enter into peace WITH God! That divine peace is a critical factor in my willingness to face my fears in life. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: When we are successful in facing fear, we build our self-confidence. We learn to persist. As such, We’re not fearless, but we’re also not paralyzed by fear.

The Precept: Proverbs 1.33 teaches that a life guided by the precepts of wisdom is “quiet (secure) from the fear of evil.” There are problems. But, in the face of difficulty there’s inner peace despite that fear.

What has enabled you to move forward in the face of fear?

Early morning shadows from a row of trees