Critical Thinking Brings Foresight

Proverbs 22.3 says critical thinking brings foresight. As such, foresight helps me side-step problems. Unfortunately, ignoring warnings leads to problems. Critical thinkers act with foresight, thus avoiding many problems. Proverbs 22.3 (27.12) paraphrase The Precept Explained Foresight helps me “see around corners,” Proverbs 22.3. In fact, that precept is repeated in Proverbs 27.12. Moreover, foresight […]

Critical Thinking Brings Wise Choices

The warning in Proverbs 14.15 says don’t believe everything you hear. Instead, think critically! As such, critical thinking brings wise choices. The shallow-minded believe everything they hear, but critical thinking produces discernment. Proverbs 14.15 paraphrase The Precept Explained Who believes anything they’re told? Usually, a child. In fact, it’s childishly naive to make rapid choices […]

The Precepts Build Self-awareness

In Proverbs 14.8, I learn that wisdom builds self-awareness. And, critical thinking helps it happen. Thus, the precepts build self-awareness. Critical thinking makes me self-aware. Conversely, fools are self-deceived. Proverbs 14.8 paraphrase The Precept Explained For starters, applying the precepts into my life changes me from the inside out. In fact, one outcome of that […]