The ability to think deeply is a vital aspect of being an impactful leader. Why? Because thoughtfulness informs sound judgment. Moreover, deep thoughtfulness enhances leadership.

Proverbs for Professionals verse paraphrase in the post: Deep Thoughtfulness Enhances Leadership

Leadership Essentials

Proverbs 8.12-16 lists some leadership essentials. Specifically, it says:

1). Be precept driven as a leader (8.12). Thus, have a sound foundation to guide your thinking and actions.

2). Combine subtilty in thought and speech with effective use of factual knowledge and deep thoughtfulness (8.12).

3). Allow reverence to root out arrogance (8.13).

4). Be willing to accept impartial advice (8.14).

As a result, the leader functions with insight and authority. And, they lead in a way that is just (8.14-16).

This list isn’t intended to cover all leadership traits. However, it addresses some of the essentials, including a change in how the leader thinks.

In summary, this instruction reveals that deep thoughtfulness enhances leadership.

Leadership Insight

Unfortunately, if you have any work experience at all, you’ve worked with a leader who fails one or more of these essential leadership traits.

For example, the leader who lacks an ethical foundation for his or her actions.

Or, the leader who has zero ability to control what they say and how they say it.

Worse yet, the leader who doesn’t want to be confused by the facts because their mind is already made up.

But, it just keeps compounding!

How about the leader who is so arrogant that he or she cannot be reasoned with? As a result, the don’t take advice from anyone about anything.

Thus, the dishonesty, bluntness, and stubbornness of the leader cascade through the business unit.

Negative Impact

The outcomes are predictable – high turnover, low morale, and poor performance of the entire unit.

Thankfully, these types of leaders don’t last long. However, their impact on the survivors is long-lasting because it’s so negative.

So, don’t be that leader!

Deep thoughtfulness is certainly not a cure-all for this list of fatal traits. But, thoughtfulness can start the leader down a path of recovery. Thus,

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image

Deep thoughtfulness enhances leadership – when the leader is willing to grow personally and professionally.

Personal Observation

As it turns out, in my nearly 50-year professional career, I’ve seen several leaders who exhibit these disruptive traits.

They don’t stay in one place very long. Instead, their career is marked by frequent moves.

They may be high producers but they don’t engender loyalty.

Conversely, they do create plenty of negative energy in the organization.

You may find yourself in the middle, trying to mediate between a disruptive manager and multiple, dissatisfied direct reports. Some of whom you like. And, some you don’t like at all!

I wish I had an easy answer for a quick fix in this situation.

However, my experience when in that place was it’s important to communicate with subtilty and discretion. Also, build up persistence and a thick skin!

Additionally, find a trusted mentor who draws from their experiences to assist you.

And, lean heavily on the strategic plan to provide a focus point for actions when things are out of control.

Next, be a trusted counselor – yourself – to the leader. But, don’t go over the leaders head and complain because that strategy simply doesn’t work. At all!

Remember, you don’t have all the facts. Regardless of how many high-emotion, high-stress meetings you attend.

Actually, you cannot know everything that’s happening in the life of the leader.

Finally, as you live through the situation, learn to think deeply because deep thoughtfulness enhances leadership.

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