Why must we differentiate persistence from hardheadedness? Without that knowledge we may push too far or too hard.

This blog post contains my personal LinkedIn daily posts for July 18 through July 24, 2022.

Who influenced you?

Much of what I know about day-to-day operations I learned in high school and college, working for an entrepreneur.

He taught me fundamentals such as cash management, attention to inventory, watching expenses, and growing revenue.

I also learned just how much hard work was required to be a success.

Envisioning our divinely-appointed life purpose drives us toward those desired life outcomes as future becomes the present and faith becomes sight! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Photo of a fountain at a university

Today’s Observation: Influencers are imperfect. But, they have expertise in a specific area that’s transferable if we listen and learn.

The Precept: Proverbs 22.29 teaches that when we prepare ourselves beforehand, we’re ready to take on greater responsibility.

Who influenced you? More importantly,
How have they influenced you?

What comes before fulfillment?

Often, the answer is “achievement.” An is, when I accomplish my goals I will be fulfilled.

Well, if that was always true, there wouldn’t be so many successful but unfulfilled people!

I suggest gratitude comes before fulfillment. Thus, when we’re grateful, as shown by an abundance mindset, we are deeply fulfilled.

When accomplishing goals, we must recognize that those externals don’t provide the lasting satisfaction and inner peace that close relationships give us. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: Achievement and fulfillment don’t live at the same address in my head. However, gratitude and fulfillment do live in the same place!

The Precept: Proverbs 13.7 teaches that we can have nothing by making ourselves rich. Conversely, our giving to others is a source of true wealth.

Achievement is good, but an insufficient goal in life. What keeps your goals and values in balance?

Photo of a lake at sunrise

A leadership essential

Communication is often on the short-list of leadership essentials.

I suggest that listening is a vital component of a leader’s ability to communicate.

Why? Poor listening -> poor responding!

I suspect that soft skills are best learned in day-to-day practice as we gather experience. Thanks for commenting. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: The best leadership listening is from the heart, not from the head!

The Precept: At the start of his term in office, Solomon made a request. He asked for the ability to hear (thus listen) with his heart. First Kings 3.9

Why? So he could be discerning.
Why? So his decision processes would be right.

How have you implemented this very basic model of Listen – Discern – Act?

Early AM fog on a field

Face-to-face LinkedIn meet-up!

Great time at lunch with Kelly McCullough who is in Atlanta for a conference. As expected, she was full of life and great stories!

I am at peace with who I am right now while being optimistic about, and focused on, who I am becoming. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Photo of two friends

Introvert Tip: Self-Image Issues

I’m an introvert who dealt with low self-esteem.

I’m not saying the two must be connected.

Low self-esteem, in both introverts and extroverts, is often marked by people-pleasing, a lack of assertiveness, and settling for poor treatment.

When I started growing personally and professionally I began setting aside that low self-esteem.

Before changing WHAT I do (my habits), I must first undergo change to WHO I AM. Hence, begin with WHO. proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Question: How have you overcome low self-esteem challenges?

Photo of a field during the fall

Differentiate persistence from hardheadedness

Tell me the difference between:

1). Admirable persistence, and
2). Destructive hard-headedness!

I noted in a recent interview that what helped me was hitting a wall of repeated career failings!

How do you tell the difference between these two?

You know, a problem is much less of a problem when it’s someone else’s problem! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Hard-headedness is like low-lying fog that needs something external to burn it off!

Low-lying ground fog in the morning.

Another leadership essential

Impactful leaders grasp the value of relationships.

They nurture relationships by being good listeners. By showing compassion. By making time to give advice as well as to provide comfort.

Listening with the heart and sense making complement each other. That said, sense making is a life-time process, not some magical destination for the all knowing. Truth is, none of us has it all figured out! proverbsforprofessionals.net

Today’s Observation: Leaders need to be as intentional about nurturing relationships as they are about their own professional growth.

The Precept: From Proverbs 11.27 we learn that it’s rewarding to seek good. Relationship building is certainly good we should seek.

As a leader, how do you grasp opportunities to build relationships?

Mountain range picture