Knowing what’s right, and doing just that are – very often – two different things! What’s most critical? For me – Doing the Right Thing.

Sunlight through the trees as used in the post Doing the Right Thing
Sunlight through the trees

Doing the Right Thing

I spend time each week studying of the Book of Proverbs.

As such, one of the takeaways for me is that there’s a big difference between knowing what’s right and actually doing it! Let’s discuss knowing and doing.

God expects us to do right and to use good judgment if we’re to be blessed. Genesis 18.19 paraphrase.

The Role of Good Judgment

So, what helps us know what’s right? I believe the answer is good judgment.

In fact, our critical thinking produces good judgement. And, good judgment is KNOWING what’s right.

But, that knowing must work alongside justice and mercy. Thus, actually DOING what’s right.

From Proverbs, and for people of faith, the balance point between KNOWING and DOING is integrity. That is, our BEING. That being, for me, is grounded in a personal relationship with God Himself.

I do what’s right because of a desire to live a precept-driven life. Consequently, knowing and doing inform good judgment, as diagrammed below.

The Know-Do-Be model as used in the blog post Doing the Right Thing

Another Alternative?

But, what if you don’t consider yourself someone who has a personal faith?

I believe you can still have a positive impact in your circle of influence, based on a character that’s committed to concepts such as equity, fairness, and kindness.

Where am I getting this? See Proverbs 21.3, which argues that justice and good judgment are much more important to God than our empty religious practices.

Proverbs 21.3 paraphrase as used in the post Doing the Right Thing

Some Takeaways

Wisdom, as presented in Proverbs, is the cure for shallowness as it demands we think critically, be discerning, and use good judgment.

Is it more important to know what’s right, or to do what’s right? Well, it’s hard to do what’s right if I don’t know what’s right!

Impactful leaders effectively combine knowing what’s right with doing what’s right to the benefit of those around them.