Listen, discern, and act is a classic decision model. Leaders listen to get the facts, but don’t stop there! Otherwise, they never take action.

Decision making is a given for a leader. But, before taking action the leader needs a decision model to help in the process. Obviously, the leader must have an overriding purpose to guide each decision.

Now, for many decision algorithms, fact finding is the first step. However, leaders can get stuck there because they always want to know more.

In contrast, effective leaders push through fact finding to the next step – discerning and sense making.

Finally, they’re positioned to make a decision. In turn, decisions build influence for a leader.

The Essentials

Leaders must get the facts. That is, they need factual knowledge.

Conversely, they shouldn’t be driven by emotion, supposition, or conspiracy theories.

That said, facts alone aren’t enough. Why? Because data points must be paired with sense making and discernment.

As such, discernment helps a leader know right from wrong. Also, relevant from irrelevant.

Actually, discernment supports sense making. And, it’s part of thinking critically.

In turn, discernment drives good judgment that produces sound decisions.

Now, Proverbs 28.2 says that leaders who mess up are a dime a dozen! Unfortunately, what’s less common are leaders who master this critical balance between knowing and doing, as guided by discernment.

But, what’s the catch? Well, discernment is a developed trait from multiple life incidents where the leader develops experiential insights.

Apply This Today!

Be a learner by reflecting regularly on what’s happened. Why? To become more discerning.

A leader’s lack of discernment, and its sister trait foresight, has serious consequences for an organization. So, don’t be that leader!

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