In Ephesians 3.10-12 we learn about God’s purpose for the church. In short, that “eternal purpose” is for the church to make known the wisdom of God.

Key Passage: Ephesians 3.10-12

Photo of a church as used in the post: God's Purpose for the Church

Knowing my individual purpose is great for maintaining focus.

Thus, my “why” keeps me going and keeps me focused.

Likewise, the church has a purpose that has been established by God Himself.

Some Insights

In fact, in Ephesians 3.10 Paul says God’s purpose for the church is to make known the “wisdom of God.”

Then, he goes on in the following verse to say that sharing wisdom is the “eternal purpose” that God has for the church.

Similarly, for individual believers, we’re called to God’s purpose of being made over into His image, Romans 8.28-29.

Knowing My Purpose

Now, when believers individually, and the church collectively, know our God-given purpose we have confidence, Ephesians 3.11.

More specifically, the word Paul used for “confidence” means an assurance. Or, to be persuaded.

Moreover, it’s a confidence to act, based on mental persuasion, Second Corinthians 1.15.

As such, this link between knowing my purpose and being confident should be obvious!

Actually, knowing my life purpose is certainly a great source of emotional strength. In addition, Ephesians 3.11 combines confidence with bold speaking.

Thus, I clearly express why it is that I’m so self-assured. So, bold speaking and confident actions are a winning combination!

Proverbs for Professionals keystone image as used in the post God's Purpose for the Church

Ultimately, my confident self-assurance to move forward in life rests on my faith in God!

Apply These Precepts

Having a life purpose is a critical, personal motivator.

Better yet, knowing my God-given life purpose is irreplaceable as a source of confidence and assurance.

Remember, God’s purpose for the church involves sharing divine wisdom.

Similarly, for me individually, life purpose is not about me at all!

“The Lord make his face shine upon you…”  Numbers 6.22-27

Proverbs for Professionals photo of the author as used in the post God's Purpose for the Church

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