Living proactively is an element of writing your life story. Let’s examine how intentionality fits in with our lack of control over all life events.

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What Writing Your Life Story Looks Like

Actually, we write our life story, day-by-day, by the choices we make.

That is, our life story unfolds as we write, thus live, intentionally. Proactively. With purpose!

However, as we write, we don’t know exactly how a given season of life will play out.

How so?

Well, some chapters of life have unexpected content! In short, we don’t control every event that occurs in our lives.

Ecclesiastes 7.25 paraphrase

Comparing Control and Influence

Over time, I’ve learned that we don’t work backward to create a life story from some predetermined outcome.

Why is that? Because we influence, but don’t control all life events.

Fact is, we can make plans, create goals, and develop ways to execute those plans.

Unfortunately, there are many uncontrollable situations in life.

Hence, we must be agile. Flexible. Able to find another way forward.

Thus, a question: How do you balance intentional living with the reality of the unexpected?

Exercising good judgment, especially in challenging, non-routine, and high-stakes life situations, does much to build both our self-confidence and our reliance on God’s leading in our lives.

The Precept

I believe Proverbs 16.33 teaches that we take actions in life, through planning and decisiveness.

But, ultimately our life outcomes are divinely determined.

Truly, it’s really arrogant of us to believe we control every outcome of our lives.

For a person of faith, that truth is fairly apparent, although sometimes its easily forgotten!

So, one aspect of writing our life story is spiritual sensitivity. We listen and respond as God guides us.

Another aspect of story writing is a learner’s attitude.

Instead of fighting life, we are willing to grow out of situations.

And, we’re flexible in recognizing there are multiple routes to our goal.

An abundant life discovers its divine purpose. More importantly, an abundant life steadily accomplishes that divinely-appointed life purpose! KNOW-DO!

Apply This Today!

Impactful life decisions never happen if we’re unwilling to take some measured risks.

Therefore, we need spiritual sensitivity, paired with decisiveness, while writing our life story.

At the same time, we must be conscious of fundamentals, such as how we’re going to define success in our life story, if our life is to have the impact we envision.